Medical Specialties Explained |
Editor's Note: No time for an original blog post this week, so we'll turn to ZDoggMD and Dr. Harry for an explanation of the required personality types as well as the advantages and disadvantages of some common medical specialties. Check out ZDoggMD’s blog,, if you want more physician comedy. Videos from are re-posted at with permission.
In case that any medical students, or aspiring medical students, someday run across this blog post and would like to browse real physician jobs in the specialties mentioned in the above video, here they are:
Internal Medicine Jobs - Consider this specialty if you are really, really good at taking notes
Pediatrician Jobs - Are Pediatricians gods? We're not sure, but at least they are really, really rich.
Emergency Medicine Jobs - Only for extreme personalities. You are a good fit for this profession if your favorite movie is Top Gun.
Family Medicine Jobs - Chose this specialty only if you look good in a loin cloth and feel drawn to the idea of owning an alpaca farm.
General Surgeon Jobs - Judging by ZDogg's initial comments this may become the most popular specialty.