on Social Media
kbuntu/ actively participates on a wide variety of social media. We enjoy sharing healthcare news, actively participating in discussion, and learning more about our audience through these venues. We make every effort to participate in social media in a non-promotional way, as we never want to make our audience and customers feel as if we are spamming their personal social media accounts.
The following is a summary of the social media sites on which we actively participate. If you participate on any of these social sites, give us a “follow” or a “like,” and we will be happy to “follow” back.
Google +
Although Google + is not quite as populated as some other sites like Facebook and Twitter, this is our favorite venue for social media, and there is a large medical community on this network. We found that once we adjusted to the layout, the extra features for interacting with followers such as "communities" provide more options for different ways to share and interact. We use our Google + account for discussions, networking, sharing original blog posts, and sharing other content related to medicine and the healthcare industry.
Follow on Google +, or copy and paste
We've also created specific Google + communities for several medical specialties, and we plan to keep adding more of these in the future. These communities are great places for networking, sharing, discussion, and anything else our members would like to do there.
Google + Communities Offered by
- Family Practice Physician & Resident Community
- Internal Medicine Physician & Resident Community
- Emergency Medicine Physician & Resident Community
- Physician Assistant Community
- Nurse Practitioner Community
- Cardiology Physician & Resident/Fellow Community
- Gastroenterology Physician & Fellow Community
- Physician Recruiter Community
Twitter is another service that we enjoy using to connect with both clients and job seekers. We use our main account to communicate and connect, and we save promotional tweets about new physician/healthcare jobs for a few specialized accounts that are set up just to tweet new jobs. We are always excited to get new followers, and we always follow back!
If you would like to interact with us on Twitter please give us a follow at, @hosprecruiting.
If you are interested in twitter feeds offering information on new physician jobs available at, we are currently offering:
- @Physician_Jobs1 - Tweets new jobs from all medical specialties
- @HospitalistJob1 - Tweets new hospitalist physician jobs
- @EM_Jobs - Tweets new jobs
- We will be introducing new Twitter job feeds in the future, so keep an eye on our main account, @hosprecruiting, for announcements
Just like Google + and Twitter, we use Facebook on a regular basis to connect with our audience of employers and job seekers. We love the fact that Facebook is so widely used, and we do our best to contribute to the Facebook community in way that our followers enjoy. We know some companies would like for you to "like" them on Facebook so they can proceed to shove lots of promotional SPAM onto your Facebook account, but we will not do that; we'll be happy to just connect with you.
Like on Facebook:
For those who haven't tried it, Pinterest can be a fun way to connect on social media. We enjoy the visual images of the topics that are of interest to our followers and those whom we follow. Pinterest definitely has more to offer than just recipes and pictures of cats (although we enjoy those things), and there is actually a fairly active healthcare community on this social network. We’ve been compiling a pretty great collection of medical humor on our account, as well as interesting healthcare and medicine related articles.
Follow on Pinterest - Daily Daily is a daily e-newpaper compiled from our various social media accounts using the app paper-li. It's actually a great collection of trending healthcare industry news, with some medical satire mixed in. You can find a link to the new edition each morning on our Twitter feed, or you can subscribe to have the paper delivered to your inbox.
Check out our e-newpaper Daily -
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