Introducing: The Job Doctor - Send In Your Job Search and Recruiting Questions
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Within the next week will be unveiling a regular question and answer column we're calling "The Job Doctor Mailbag." We'll be using this feature to answer questions about job searches, recruiting, job markets, interviewing, submitting applications, or anything else related to healthcare job searches or recruiting. Our experts will answer any job search questions, whether they are broad, highly specific, or personal in nature.
The questions and answers will be published to this blog in an anonymous format; we will be editing out names and other identifying information. The Job Doctor will publish whenever we've accumulated enough questions to make a decent sized post, but we'll send back an answer to anyone who submits a question right away. We don't want to leave anyone waiting around on our publication schedule before his or her important career questions are answered.
The Job Doctor is a team of experts made up of's co-founders and several other high-level contacts gained through years of working in the physician recruiting and healthcare human resources industries. Our job search advice is based on many years of industry knowledge and experience. Most importantly, The Job Doctor gives truly impartial advice as he is not and will never be your employer, nor is he affiliated with a recruiting company seeking to make a financial gain from placing you into a specific job.
If you are a physician, advanced practitioner, nurse, allied health professional, or a non-clinical healthcare professional, send us your job search questions now because The Job Doctor is open, and the first column will be published next week. Email your questions to or tweet them to us at @HospRecruiting.
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