Father's Day Gift Ideas for Dads in Healthcare
If your dad works in healthcare, he is probably used to taking care of others. Doctors, physician assistants, and nurses all spend their workday focusing on everyone except themselves. Father’s Day is an opportunity to take care of Dad for a change. You probably want to give Dad something he can really use. Forget the engraved desk plates, ties, and coffee mugs with corny sayings. Instead, consider some gift ideas the healthcare-working dad in your life will thoroughly dig.
Give the Gift of Time: Medical professionals, including physicians and allied health workers, spend a lot of hours at work. Dad probably not only works hard at the hospital but at home, too. Make Dad’s life easier by freeing up a little time. Think about what chores your dad dislikes the most or what takes up a lot of his time. Consider purchasing a gift certificate for grocery or meal delivery, lawn service, or car detailing.
Make a Donation in Dad’s Name: At times it’s difficult to find the right Father’s Day gift. The perfect solution for the dad that is hard to buy for is a donation in his name. Consider the type of medical work your dad does or a cause he cares about. For instance, buy toys for the pediatric ward and donate them in Dad’s name or make a donation to a cancer research organization. Many hospitals also have a hospital foundation, in which you can make a donation in your dad’s honor.
Comfort: Medical workers, including physician assistants, therapists, and paramedics all spend a lot of time on their feet. Between 12 hour shifts and walking all over the hospital, it is no wonder dad may leave with aching feet. This Father’s Day, buy Dad a comfortable pair of support shoes to make his day a little better. Sometimes practical gifts not only make the most sense, but are perfect for the down-to-earth dad.
A Day Off: Getting away from the hospital is beneficial for even the most dedicated doctor or nurse. Help Dad take a much needed break by arranging a trip just to let loose and unwind. Consider what your dad enjoys or has always wanted to try. Whether it is whitewater rafting, deep-sea fishing, or a skydiving lesson, the point is for Dad to have a blast. Instead of buying a gift certificate, which he can use “someday,” book the trip yourself. If possible, check with your dad’s supervisor, significant other, or anyone else who can help you figure out a time your dad can get away. Booking the trip prevents your father from putting it off.
Sleep: Working nights, being on call, and rotating shifts can leave healthcare workers depleted and exhausted. A long nap or a good night’s sleep may be the gift that helps your father feel refreshed. Buy Dad a sleep kit. Kits are sold already packaged with items such as soothing music, a sleep mask, candles, and blackout curtains, or you can make your own.
A Touch of Home: Working as a physical therapist, nurse practitioner, or other allied health worker may mean Dad spends long hours away from his family. A gift that helps your father stay connected is something he may treasure. For example, consider a digital frame for his office, which allows you to upload pics via email or Instagram, and keep him connected to what is going on at home instantly.
Fun: Dads working in healthcare have a lot of responsibilities. In some instances, they have people’s lives in their hands. Buy Dad a gift, such as a remote-controlled hovercraft or helicopter that lets him forget about the responsibilities of work and just be a kid again.
A Spa Day: Even dads like a day of pampering. Caring for injured and ill patients is rewarding, but it can take a lot out of you emotionally and physically. Even the strongest dad needs some time to recharge. Why not pamper Dad with a little R&R? A spa day can be a great gift that your father may never think of purchasing for himself. Many spas offer services for men, such as facials, massages and reflexology. Who knows - Dad may even try a pedicure.
Thanks for reading this post, and best of luck with your Father's Day gift giving efforts! Please let us know what other great Father's Day gift ideas you have in the comments section below!
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