How to Create Better Nursing Job Advertisements
By Angie Best-Boss RN - August 20, 2015
Something isn’t working. You have a nursing job to fill, you post an ad, you get a huge number of applicants, but none of them seem to be the right fit. You end up hiring a so-so candidate that doesn’t exactly have everything you are looking for. The problem is, it’s not a hire you are confident will succeed, and you are about to spend thousands of dollars to train him or her.
How do you create and post an ad for a nursing job in a way that positions you to have multiple excellent candidates from which to choose? Posting an ad for a nurse shouldn’t be that difficult, but employers are finding what used to work a decade ago, doesn’t work any longer.
- Target your outreach. Do you want every unemployed nurse in the tri-state area to apply for your position? No. You want to choose from a smaller group of highly qualified candidates. So no more posting on Craigslist. Look for candidates who are already interested in and learning about your specialty. If you need a geriatric nurse, for example, post your position with an organization that promotes geriatric nursing, such as The National Geriatric Nursing Association (
- Write an ad that actually describes the position for which you are hiring. Unfortunately, many HR staff have never spent more than five minutes on the nursing floor, and they have very little information on what the position entails. Enlist the help of the unit manager and charge nurse and ask for their input – what skills are needed to do this job, and what are the responsibilities for this position?
- Ask for what you want. Does the position require 5 years of experience, or does it require someone with proven leadership skills? Don’t assume certain skills sets come with experience, and don’t assume a lack of experience in the same field means the candidate won’t have the necessary skills to succeed. Granted, some certifications or skills are mandatory, but carefully evaluate exactly which of those the candidate must have in order to do the job well.
- What’s in it for me? Why should the best nurses want to work here? Distinguish yourself. Describe why it’s an incredible place to work. The best nurse for the job may already be employed elsewhere, but an enticing ad that focuses on the features that make your facility an excellent place to work may well make him or her consider a switch. Do you offer matching retirement funds, college scholarships, sign-on bonuses, or other attractive attributes? Cite unique selling points of the position and company– not just the salary and benefits - that may differentiate your position from every other ad.
- Offer something shiny. Try to incorporate something about the position that is innovative, exciting, and challenging. People are attracted to being part of a company or department that is doing something new. Whether it’s a new facility, revamped program, technological investment, or pilot project that’s never been tried, applicants will be drawn to apply for an opportunity to take part.
- Take care of business. Careless mistakes in grammar, spelling, and careless writing will make the most professional applicants look elsewhere. Pay attention to the details. In addition, because a job description can generally be regarded as a legal document, avoid any references to race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin or nationality, or physical or mental disability, as it is illegal.
- provides an excellent nursing job board for you to advertise your open nursing positions. Our site will allow you to create professional and attractive advertisements in a matter of just a few minutes. To check out our Nursing Job Board please follow this link;, and then please contact us with any questions you may have.
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About Angie Best-Boss RN
Angie Best-Boss, ASN, BA, MDiv is a psychiatric nurse and freelance writer from the Indianapolis, Indiana area. Angie has three daughters and can usually be found with her nose in a book, crafting or, in warm weather, geocaching.