Client Spotlight - CEP America
In our newest edition of our client spotlight series, we spoke with Adam LaFevers, who manages candidate sourcing for CEP America. CEP America is a leading practice management organization that has successfully managed hospital-based physician group practices across the Acute Care Continuum since 1975. In our interview, Adam answered questions about what makes CEP America such a successful company and what makes them a great company to work for.
Question: Could you share a little about the history of CEP America?
Answer: CEP America is one of the leading providers of acute care management and staffing solutions in the nation. We are an integrated team of physicians, physician assistants (PAs), and nurse practitioners (NPs) committed to caring for patients with acute medical conditions. Founded in 1975, we now serve more than 5.2 million patients annually at over 140 practice locations throughout the United States.
Question: What factors do you feel have contributed the most to CEP America’s growth and longevity as a company?
Answer: CEP America is owned and operated by our practicing physicians. We have no super-owners, outside investors, or debt. This model attracts passionate and committed providers who continue to innovate and improve upon the service we provide to patients, to hospitals, and to our communities.
Question: Can you describe how the physician partnership approach impacts CEP America’s physician recruiting and retention efforts?
Answer: When you join CEP America, you become an equal partner and valued member of the community from the first day of your clinical practice. The partnership model is ideal for providers who want to collaborate with their peers and hospital colleagues to develop best practices and innovative protocols that fit the needs of their patients and practice setting.
Question: What other aspects of working for CEP America positively impact physician recruitment and retention?
Answer: As a CEP America Partner, you have a clearly defined roadmap for your career development. We support and encourage your professional growth with opportunities to prepare for more prominent roles within CEP America and at your local hospital site.
Question: Are physicians and other providers able to easily transfer between different CEP America locations?
Answer: Yes. Since we are affiliated with practice sites across the country, you have the opportunity to work at many locations during your career. You can choose from over 140 sites around the country. We also have a Reserves Program that provides opportunities to test-drive different practice sites while still benefiting from the Partnership experience.
Question: Could you share a little information about the company’s professional development programs?
Answer: We focus on growing our own professional development programs and offer many avenues for development. CEP America offers an Administrative Fellowship Program that primes future leaders in the organization. We also feature a Medical Director Academy and Leadership Academy to help with career development. CEP America also has many opportunities for its providers to participate in committee work to gain insight and experience in the administrative realm of healthcare.
Question: What factors do you feel contribute most to a smooth and effective recruitment process?
Answer: It is important for a candidate to be responsive, flexible, and available. Candidates who view the recruiter as a partner in their job search really help the process succeed.
Question: How does CEP America handle communication with providers who have expressed interest in the company’s open positions?
Answer: It typically starts with a member of our recruiting team reaching out by phone or email. From that initial contact, we work to get to know the candidate better and begin an open dialogue about their career.
Question: Do your recruiters take advantage of alternative communication methods such as social media, video chat, texting, etc.?
Answer: Absolutely! We work with the candidates in whatever way they are most comfortable. However, cultural fit is very important to us as an organization, so we prefer to have more personal interactions, such as phone calls, whenever possible.
Question: Which methods do you feel are most effective?
Answer: While we feel in-person meetings and phone conversations are the best, we try to tailor our communications to the candidate by asking them what they prefer.
Question: What are the reasons CEP America is successful at employee retention?
Answer: The culture of caring at CEP America is unparalleled. Physicians, PAs, and NPs collaborate across specialties and across practice sites to create a cohesive team of patient-centered healthcare providers. Our teams own the process and the practice, so they are invested in its success.
Question: What is the role of Advanced Practitioners, such as nurse practitioners and physician assistants, within the company?
Answer: Advanced Practitioners play a crucial role in the success of our team. CEP America provides many development opportunities, including committee involvement, CME, and leadership training.
Question: What do you personally like best about working for CEP America?
Answer: Working with the providers is rewarding and inspiring. It is a great feeling to know that we are contributing to better patient care by recruiting the best candidates in the field!
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