CME Conferences to Attend in 2018
CME conferences are the perfect way to broaden knowledge, learn new techniques and skills, and connect with colleagues. The multitude of options makes choosing a daunting task. Here are some conferences you may want to consider attending in 2018.
Mayo Clinic - 10th Annual Hospital Medicine for NPs & PAs 2018
San Diego, CA
June 20 to June 23, 2018
The hospital medicine arena has quickly become diversified with a variety of providers helping shoulder the patient care load. Nurse practitioners and physicians assistants are vital in delivering quality care. This conference focuses on clinical management of the hospitalized patient and provides an interactive style of learning and engagement. You can rest assured that everything put out by Mayo is excellent and more than meets your needs.
The next three are staples in the CME arena. Keeping licensure and credentials current requires planning and attention to detail. Why not let your certifying board help you in checking all the boxes? Every specialty has bread-and-butter conferences that allow attendees to complete a significant portion of CME requirements. Find one that looks interesting and make a vacation out of it as well. Here are just a few examples.
12th Annual Primary Care Spring Conference: Session I
March 26-30, 2018
Hammock Beach Resort
Palm Coast, Florida
AAFP Family Medicine Board Review Express Live Course
Various locations and dates
American College of Physicians Internal Medicine Meeting 2018
April 19-21, 2018 in New Orleans, LA.
The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) 26th A4M Spring World Congress
April 12-14, 2018 in Hollywood, Florida.
This conference will open your eyes to areas of medicine and care delivery that you never knew existed. Join experts from around the world who are pushing the boundaries of medicine, precision care, and longevity research.
These conferences allow us the opportunity to provide CME credits in preventive and integrative medicine through educational sessions, interactive lectures, and an exhibit hall which hosts 250+ exhibitors. Products include aesthetic devices and equipment, nutraceuticals, and high-tech medical products.
Emergency Medicine and Acute Care Series - A Focused, Evidence-Based Course Designed to Significantly Advance Your Practice of Emergency Medicine.
Guanacaste, Costa Rica
February 19 - 23, 2018
This course is offered at a variety of exciting locations around the US and beyond. The speakers are at the top of the game and cover the most current literature on a variety of topics. The course is structured to allow learning combined with time to explore the exciting region and activities available locally.
Mayo Clinic - Principles of Pain Management and Palliative Care: Essential Tools for the Clinician 2018
Kohala Coast, Big Island, HI
March 5 to March 9, 2018
Mayo produces high-level courses to meet any needs. Managing the chronic pain patient is challenging, and the opioid crisis compounds this problem. No practice will be left untouched by this issue. More and more primary care, emergency physicians and hospitalists are called upon to manage these complex patients.
3rd Annual Diabetes, Obesity, & Metabolic Disease Conference
April 20-22, 2018
Sheraton New Orleans Hotel
New Orleans, Louisiana
Diabetes is rampant and staying up to date is critical to providing the best care for patients. Learn the best evidence current management strategies and tactics for preventing diabetes.
Social Media Marketing World
San Diego, CA
Feb 28-Mar 2, 2018
Why include a non-medical conference? In today's world, your online reputation matters. Patients are more engaged and looking for online validation that their doctor is top notch.
Other physicians are using the power of social media to share lifestyle tips, education and engage with patients on a broader level. Some of you may be in the process of growing your brand through video and social media. This conference is a perfect opportunity to connect, learn new concepts, brainstorm and increase the results of your social media efforts.
Jun 20-23,2018
Anaheim, CA
Along a similar thought process as the above conference, more healthcare professionals are sharing online content through video. This conference will teach you how to create better content, grow your audience, and become an authority in your niche.
While the options are endless, your time and likely budget are not. Chose wisely. Do your research and ask your colleagues to ensure you are getting the most reward for your time and effort obtaining CME and attending conferences.
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