Career Hacks for Healthcare Practitioners
Working as a healthcare practitioner is a rewarding but a very demanding job. While you may be working in a high demand field, it is still important that you are aware of your surroundings and listen to your mind and body when it comes to avoiding burnout. While working as a healthcare practitioner, knowing how to spot the signs of a healthy and progressive career is key to persevering and thriving in your career. Being progressive in your career, through steady progress in your education, learning new ways to better manage conflict, and working to build an overall team strategy will help you to significantly create a career that is patient centered and strategic.
Let’s look at some of the key ways to stay healthy and happy while working in the healthcare profession:
Teamwork: Collaboration in the workplace is often the key to success. Many times, especially in healthcare, collaboration among teams can be a missing component. When teamwork ceases to exist, not only does the team fail, but the service you provide to your patients fails as well. When working towards team collaboration, begin by taking a look at where you need to improve. Thinking of ways that you can improve yourself first is a great place to start when it comes to finding out how you can improve your work environment. Also, be open to receiving feedback and opt in for giving positive feedback when it comes to looking for areas of improvement in your workflow. Keeping your defenses down when someone offers you an area for improvement and simply applying that feedback are ways to show others that you are open to improvement.
Looking for Ways to Progress in Your Career: With an aging population, the demand for healthcare workers is increasing which in turn increases opportunities for healthcare practitioners. When looking for ways to progress in your career, your credentials should be of a primary focus. Continuing Professional Development is becoming a focus of growth for many healthcare practitioners. Looking for ways to adapt and change as technology and practices change can be of use when you are looking for career advancement. People often start at one point in their career and find ways to advance their careers in ways they did not plan. When planning your career, be open to new opportunities within the workplace. These opportunities can assist you in learning new skills that could lead your career in a new direction. One thing you can look to do in your spare time is to engage in volunteer work. This is especially helpful in the early stages of your career. When you are looking to move forward with a more advanced area of your practice, volunteering can be a great way to network and a way to gain exposure to new areas of the healthcare field.
Leadership and Communication Skills: Leadership skills are important in healthcare. Whether you work on the administrative side or in a patient facing role, it is important that you take the time to practice your leadership abilities. Being able to navigate your way through conflict with strong interpersonal skills is vital. Knowing how to communicate with people in times of stress and crisis is essential, especially when working to build a team. For example, if you are in a position of management, it is important to coach your employees on the best way to handle a conflict rather than fight against it. Knowing how to navigate the business side of healthcare is another important quality. Other factors include being proactive in your efforts to win over employees with a team centric application of work and working to encourage your employees to improve their own work practices and methods.
Taking Care of Yourself: In the healthcare industry workers can come into contact with various illnesses, and it is important to not overwork yourself; listen to your body when you feel tired. Overworking can lead to burnout, which, when exposed, can make you sick. Ensure that you are getting the proper amount of rest and are getting the right vaccinations to protect yourself from unnecessary illnesses.
If You Work the Night Shift: Unlike other professions, work in healthcare is typically not a 9 to 5 job; it’s usually shift work, which includes evenings and nights. Gaining control over your schedule when working in the healthcare industry is extremely important. When the night shift begins to take its toll, understand that you are not the only one feeling exhausted, and make efforts to protect your sleep and personal time. Avoid drinking too much caffeine and eating sugary snacks when you are on the go; stick to healthy foods and get lots of rest. Also, it is important to maintain an active social life, especially when working the night shift. Remember to take time out and ensure that you keep a positive work/life balance.
Stress Management: Managing stress is vital in any profession. Working in healthcare, you are dealing with life and death situations daily, and it is important to keep your mind in check. If you leave stress unaddressed, it can lead to burnout, physical pain, psychological problems, sickness, and more. When managing stress, make sure that you talk out your problems with someone. If you are having trouble with a co-worker, take the time to address the situation before it gets worse. Another major part of working in healthcare that can be stressful is dealing with traumatic illnesses and deaths of patients. Caring for your patients is of the utmost importance, but it is important to find ways not to get hooked on the daily pressure of dealing with illnesses. Find ways outside of work to relieve your stress, such as activities that bring you joy and help you maintain a healthy social life.
When you work in the healthcare industry, it is important to take care of yourself so that you can care for your patients. Learning early in the game to relieve stress and maintain a healthy work/life balance is vital. Constantly work to develop your communication and leadership skills that will help you to be successful through your career. Staying current with updated information about your sector in healthcare and taking care of yourself will help you to thrive throughout your career.
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