Physician Jobs - Locating Multiple Specialty Jobs and Specialty Changes at
Many physician jobs are open to candidates from different specialties. For example, Emergency Medicine, Urgent Care, and Hospitalist jobs may be open to physicians from a variety of training and experience backgrounds. We have begun making some changes at to simplify locating these types of jobs.
Since launched, we have had special categories for Family Practice-Hospitalist Jobs, Family Practice-Emergency Medicine, and a few other specialties where the type of physician who is eligible varies from job to job. We did this to make it easier for candidates to find specific jobs and to give clients more visibility to their jobs. However, this system has created confusion by causing some clients to double list jobs or not list jobs in the way we intended, which further results in physician job seekers having to look in multiple areas of to find the jobs for which they are qualified.
We have started the process of phasing out specialties such as Family-Practice Hospitalist, and within the next few weeks these specialties will no longer be listed at Going forward, a family physician who is searching for Hospitalist Jobs will only need to search jobs in that specialty. A non-residency trained emergency medicine physician will find employment opportunities in the general Emergency Medicine Jobs category. Urgent Care jobs will be listed in their own category, and Wound Care Jobs will have a stand-alone category as well. Or course, this means that some physicians may have to view jobs they do not qualify for, but within these categories most jobs and physician types are inter-changeable, and overall this change should simplify the process of using allows physician job seekers to assign themselves as many specialties as they wish. With these changes in specialty organization, listing all eligible specialties will improve your visibility to employers who use
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