All Posts by Danielle Kelvas, MD

About Danielle Kelvas, MD
What Physicians Can Do When Compensation Growth Fails to Match Inflation
By Danielle Kelvas, MD - February 14, 2024
The gap between physician salaries and inflation is growing every year, leaving many providers to delay retirement and increasing overall burnout. Danielle Kelvas, MD, suggests fighting this wage disparity by advocating for fair compensation, negotiating contracts, and even exploring non-traditional settings.
Finance Tips for Residency Graduates
By Danielle Kelvas, MD - May 11, 2023
You've graduated your residency program and after years of paying, it's finally time to start earning. Before lying on your bed of cash however, review these best practice financial health tips for new physicians!
To Ban or Not to Ban Noncompete Clauses?
By Danielle Kelvas, MD - April 19, 2023
The FTC has proposed a new rule that would ban non-compete clauses, affecting nearly all physicians. The FTC's decision is based on the view that restrictive covenants are harmful for several reasons, but the potential consequences if the rule is passed are complex and multifaceted.
The Match of 2023 was an Overall Failure. What Happened?
By Danielle Kelvas, MD - March 29, 2023
The National Resident Matching Program saw a marked increase in positions and applicants in 2023, but an overall decrease in residencies filled and many ER's are going understaffed. Declining numbers and exorbitant costs for student doctors make 2023 an overall failure for the match, but where did it all go wrong?
The DEA Telemed Prescription Rules Are Here To Stay
By Danielle Kelvas, MD - March 8, 2023
The Drug Enforcement Administration is changing regulation for prescribing controlled substances via telemedicine. Here's what medical professionals need to know about the adjustments to these policies.
Healthy Habits for Physicians and Residents to Avoid Burnout
By Danielle Kelvas, MD - February 22, 2023
Over half of U.S. physicians and residents suffer from burnout. Danielle Kelvas, MD, offers tips on how to recognize and prevent burnout by prioritizing self-care, setting healthy boundaries, and staying connected with colleagues.
The Conscience Rule and Why Doctors Need to Be Aware
By Danielle Kelvas, MD - February 1, 2023
The conscience rule was a proposed bill that allowed providers the choice to not perform procedures based on religious or moral grounds, but many states challenged it and it fell through. Many providers are now facing the fallout and could be forced to perform procedures against their will, at the risk of being fired or even imprisonment in some cases. Here's what you need to know about the conscience rule, and what to do if legislation is interfering with your personal ethics.
What No One Tells You About Financial Health in Medical School and Residency
By Danielle Kelvas, MD - January 11, 2023
Medical school and residency are major financial burdens for those in healthcare, and neither program is going to teach you how to stay in good financial health through the process. In this article, Danielle Kelvas, MD, offers insight from her own experience in both on how to keep your finances in order during this difficult time.
Physician Work/Life Balance: Are You Cheating on Your Family With Your Job?
By Danielle Kelvas, MD - September 21, 2022
Setting a perfect work/life balance is impossible. Something has to give, and you will either be cheating your family or your job; being a doctor includes defending yourself, and standing up for your time. In this article Dr. Danielle Kelvas offers a few best-practice tips for stealing back your time.
Mindful Media Intake for Healthcare Providers
By Danielle Kelvas, MD - August 31, 2022
In this article Dr. Danielle Kelvas provides 5 tips for mindful media consumption which are specific to the needs of healthcare providers.