All Posts by Santoshi Billakota, MD

About Santoshi Billakota, MD
Key Considerations for Physician Contract Negotiations
By Santoshi Billakota, MD - November 1, 2023
Negotiating your physician contract plays a crucial role in ensuring fair compensation, healthy work-life balance, and a favorable work-environment. Here are best practice tips for securing a contract that protects your interests and optimizes your professional career.
To Fellowship or not to Fellowship?
By Santoshi Billakota, MD - October 5, 2023
The decision to pursue a fellowship depends largely on your career goals and the field of medicine you choose to specialize in. Here we'll explore common concerns and questions physicians have surrounding the necessity of doing a fellowship.
5 Tips for Choosing a Physician Specialty
By Santoshi Billakota, MD - September 13, 2023
Choosing a medical specialty is a crucial step in navigating your career as an attending physician, so it's important to consider various factors to ensure a balanced lifestyle and fulfilling professional career. Here are 5 tips for choosing your medical specialty.
Practicing Medicine in a Major Metro Area
By Santoshi Billakota, MD - August 10, 2023
Ready to start your healthcare career in a major metro area? Here are some of the best (and worst) parts of practicing medicine in the big city.
Finding a Job after Medical Training: Navigating the Maze
By Santoshi Billakota, MD - July 13, 2023
You've finally finished your medical training and now the hurdle of finding your first provider job awaits, but don't worry! This physician has made a guide for navigating contract negotiations, salary, location, practice model, and everything else you'll want to consider when finding your career.