All Posts by Melody Covington, MD
About Melody Covington, MD
Choosing Your Medical Specialty - Internal Medicine
By Melody Covington, MD - August 6, 2015
Why I Decided to Become an Internist In order to answer the question of why I pursued a career in internal medicine, I must first provide insight into why I chose to practice medicine altogether. I grew
#ILookLikeaSurgeon Highlights Gender & Diversity Issues in Medicine
By Melody Covington, MD - September 16, 2015
The courageous social media movement #ILookLikeaSurgeon, led by a female surgery resident from my home state of North Carolina, is shedding light on stereotypes of male and female roles in medicine.
Employed Physicians - The Choosers or the Chosen?
By Melody Covington, MD - July 12, 2016
Private practice is not yet extinct, but it has several challenges ahead if it plans to survive the ascension of the hospital system. As physicians look for employment, the bigger question looming in the background is are we truly choosing our practice environment, or is it choosing us?
Awakening - The Road to Solo Private Practice
By Melody Covington, MD - February 14, 2017
There is one word that sums up why I chose to become a solopreneur, and that word is freedom. Freedom is what I value more than anything, and it is what I correlate most with success. A solopreneur is