All Posts by Faith A. Coleman, MD

About Faith A. Coleman, MD
Interview Tips for New Healthcare Providers
By Faith A. Coleman, MD - June 23, 2021
In this article Dr. Faith Coleman provides some excellent tips about securing an interview, and the interview process, for doctors, nurses, and anyone who is coming out of training and seeking their first new job in healthcare.
Physician Curriculum Vitae Tips: Selling Career Accomplishments
By Faith A. Coleman, MD - May 25, 2021
In this post Dr. Faith Coleman provides some tips for selling your career accomplishments in your curriculum vitae.
So What is Physician Re-entry?
By Faith A. Coleman, MD - April 27, 2021
After a number of years off the job, physician re-entry can be a daunting task. Here is a list of recommendations, as presented by the American Medical Association, for best practice tips on returning to the workforce after an extended leave of absence.
Financial Pros and Cons of Locum Tenens
By Faith A. Coleman, MD - April 6, 2021
Being a locum tenens physician means you are operating as an independent contractor, not an employee. There are different financial obligations, pros and cons that come with being a contractor vs an employee. But what exactly are they?
Saving Money on Taxes After a Low Income Year
By Faith A. Coleman, MD - March 26, 2021
For many working in healthcare 2020 was a lower income year. Don't let tax time hit you harder than you were expecting, here are a few tips on how to best arrange your finances at the end of the year for the highest return.
Tax Planning for Physicians and Their Families
By Faith A. Coleman, MD - March 17, 2021
Tax season can be brutal for many. This article offers an extensive list on deductions, exemptions, and tax credits for physicians and their families to utilize this April.
Best Practice Social Media Use for Healthcare Professionals
By Faith A. Coleman, MD - February 16, 2021
In March 2020, we put out an article on things to avoid posting on social media as a professional. In essence, all the "don'ts." Today we'd like to talk about some best practice policies instead, all the "do's" you should be concerned with.
COVID-19 Reduces In-Person Site Visits for Resident Physicians
By Faith A. Coleman, MD - February 4, 2021
For candidates seeking opportunities in common specialties, waiting for an in-person visit may be risky. If an appealing offer is made in-hand, even without an in-person visit, residents and fellows might have no choice but to forgo the traditional site visit and accept.
COVID-19: The Effects on Medical Education
By Faith A. Coleman, MD - December 15, 2020
The coronavirus pandemic has added a level of urgency to examining the health systems and the way they affect communities in the US.
Applying for Residency During COVID-19
By Faith A. Coleman, MD - December 1, 2020
There have been impactful changes to the education of medical students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Remote learning and the cancelation of electives and clerkships are just a few. Applying for a residency in these uncertain times can feel daunting, but we're here to help.