All Posts by Russell Singleton, PA
About Russell Singleton, PA
So You Want to Switch Specialties? Here’s What You Should Know
By Russell Singleton, PA - November 27, 2018
Regardless of their initial choice, many PAs, and NPs, to the extent of their training, choose to take advantage of the lateral mobility offered them and work in a different area of medicine. Those who have experience in primary care have the benefit of exposure to many types of medicine and a solid foundation to build upon. Transitioning from a specialty to general medicine, on the other hand, is a bit more difficult but can be done.
This is How to Start a Healthcare Job Search
By Russell Singleton, PA - February 28, 2019
Assuming you have a particular direction in mind, you might be surprised to learn that labor markets are incredibly diverse, and advice is somewhat difficult to generalize. That being said, we’ll discuss a few tips that should be helpful, no matter where you are or what field of medicine you are looking to get in to.
Is Technology Helping or Hurting Your Healthcare Practice?
By Russell Singleton, PA - April 4, 2019
There’s no telling how medical technology will change in the future, but those with stock in the delivery of healthcare can shape its utilization in a way that doesn’t negatively affect patient care. As long as there is value in human relationships and healing touch, technology can facilitate the delivery of care rather than impede it.
Working with Recruiters as an Advanced Practice Clinician
By Russell Singleton, PA - April 25, 2019
Working with a recruiter can either be an obstacle or an asset. Not only are there different types of recruiters, but their experience and methods run the gamut. This article will help to educate the clinician reader about the basics of healthcare job recruiting and the role good recruiters can play in a job search. A good match between provider and recruiter can lead to a more productive and profitable relationship for both.
Want to Hire a PA? This is What You Need to Know
By Russell Singleton, PA - September 11, 2019
Whether you are a physician or an administrator, you can help develop a positive perception of your new hire both in the office and among your patients. Present the opportunity to see the PA as a positive one. Be ready to explain and promote team-based practice. Know the plan for care coordination and trust in the PA’s thorough education and training to speak for itself.
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: The Importance of Candidate Experience
By Russell Singleton, PA - December 2, 2019
From first contact to contract negotiation, the quality of the experience as a whole needs to communicate professionalism and genuine interest. It is clear to job seekers which employers invest in the recruitment process and which do not. A candidate can also tell which experiences are mass produced with little forethought and which are tailored specifically to the situation at hand.
Get Paid For The Work You Do: Why RVUs Are A Great Way To Go
By Russell Singleton, PA - January 29, 2020
While there are many ways to add value to a practice, healthcare provider value, and thus their compensation, is often tied to billing and collections. How is this relationship determined? Put simply, some receive a percentage of revenues and some are paid by RVUs, but which system makes the most sense? This article will discuss two main ways that clinician production is compensated.
The Doctor Is In?
By Russell Singleton, PA - March 11, 2020
In the present day, Doctors of Nursing Practice and Doctors of Medical Science are suggesting that there may be a better way to train high-level healthcare providers, or at least an alternative one. Maybe one day, those with a DNP or DMS will be considered full-fledged physicians by all--it only took DOs about 80 years.
Minnesota PAs Look to the Future
By Russell Singleton, PA - June 9, 2020
PAs all across the country are talking about Minnesota. Why? Because with the passing of the PA Modernization Act, the Gopher state takes an extraordinary leap into the future of affordable and accessible healthcare.
Physician Assistant Career Advancement Through Higher Education and Certification
By Russell Singleton, PA - June 8, 2021
You're in a rut as a physician assistant, longing for more career fulfillment. The thought of going back to medical school and throwing away your years of experience in the trenches as a PA is daunting, however. What other options are available for those aspiring advanced practitioners to further their education?