All Posts by Ryan Montoya, M.D.

About Ryan Montoya, M.D.
A Question of Centimeters – Navigating the Tricky Waters of Surveillance and Watchful Waiting
By Ryan Montoya, M.D. - May 16, 2019
How long do you wait for a centimeter? In this case, we waited just 6 months. Not because of conflicting abdominal aortic aneurysm data, but to assuage a woman’s very reasonable fears. And to make sure she could get the imaging study done at a feasible cost -- and because of broken water pumps and rabbit pies.
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Choose My Medical Specialty
By Ryan Montoya, M.D. - February 19, 2019
Choosing the right medical career is, like any other form of employment, filled with philosophically wondrous but functionally useless platitudes. The adage “do what you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life” decorates countless commencement speeches and career day addresses. Maybe that works for some jobs. In medicine, that strikes me as a bit backwards.
Fantasyland Memorial Clinic "Quality Measures"
By Ryan Montoya, M.D. - December 20, 2018
Fantasyland Memorial Clinic - a new medical humor comic presented by