All Posts by Christina Proctor, RN

About Christina Proctor, RN
Survival Tips for the New Nurse: You Can Do This!
By Christina Proctor, RN - January 10, 2020
Well you made it through nursing school. Congrats! That is a huge accomplishment. Whether your NCLEX exam is behind you or still in progress, you are on your way! Here are some tips to help you be successful for the long haul.
Work Less and Get Paid More! How Nurses Can Maximize Their Working Hours
By Christina Proctor, RN - October 30, 2019
Work less and get paid more? Isn’t that everyone’s dream? Well, thanks to a nursing shortage with no apparent end in sight, that dream can very much be reality.
Is it Time To Laugh Yet? Funny Patient Moments to Lighten Your Day
By Christina Proctor, RN - October 4, 2019
Let’s be honest. Working in healthcare can be super stressful. The funny things our patients say and do give us a much needed break from the hectic, the serious, and the mundane parts of our work. Laughter is so good for us, and for our patients, too. Here are some of my personal favorite patient memories.
Embracing the Change of a New Job
By Christina Proctor, RN - September 23, 2019
Changing jobs can be a source of anxiety and stress, but it can also be a time to reflect, set new goals or even an entirely new direction.