Blog Posts from February, 2014
View all postsWhat Does The Doc Say (about Obamacare)? | The Fox Parody (Ylvis) | ZDoggMD
By Michael Jones - February 21, 2014
Editors note: For a physician's perspective on the Affordable Care Act, we are turning to world renowned musician/performer/doctor ZDoggMD. The marvelous insights he shares in the video below provide on Social Media
By Michael Jones - February 14, 2014 actively participates on a wide variety of social media. We enjoy sharing healthcare news, actively participating in discussion, and learning more about our audience through
Letters of Intent Benefit Physicians and Employers
By Michael Jones - February 7, 2014
For physicians, a letter of intent (sometimes referred to as LOI or Offer Letter) is often an interim step in the job search process, between interviewing and accepting a position. A letter of intent is