Blog Posts from October, 2016
View all postsPhysician Turnover Costs & Causes, Healthcare Recruitment Challenges Continue
By Michael Jones - October 27, 2016
Emergency medicine physician Dr. Travis Ulmer blogged about some of the reasons why new physicians often don't stick with their first jobs. The main points to this blog post have to do with new physicians
Be Prepared Mentally, Physically, and Socially for Residency
By Nora Ekeanya D.O. - October 25, 2016
Nothing compares to the apprehension of starting residency. Okay - that’s not true, but it’s really high up there on nerve-wracking firsts. I remember my first day as a resident. In a matter
7 Things Physicians Should Know About Non-Compete Clauses
By Susan Gulliford CPRW - October 20, 2016
Just as patients want to speak with specialists, physicians who have signed or are contemplating signing non-competes need to seek out advice from an employment attorney with expertise in non-competes for physicians.
The Medical Marijuana Industry's Potency Problem
By Jack Isler, MD - October 17, 2016
The safe use of marijuana for medical purposes is one of the areas in which mainstream medicine has let its patients down. Primary care providers should take more of an active role advocating for their
6 Tips for Healthcare Recruiting Success
By Jennifer Bouley - October 11, 2016
Recruiting is a specialized task that helps to build the foundation of an organization. Finding the right people who are not only committed, but also qualified, can be daunting at times. In recruiting,
ZdoggMD - Low - An Outpatient Clinic Jam
By Michael Jones - October 6, 2016
Editor's note: We're back with another jam from our favorite rapping physician Zubin Damania, MD (AKA ZDoggMD). We think anyone who works in an outpatient clinic might want to blast this one before opening
Malpractice Claims Down, Essential Recruiter Skills, and Pharmaceutical Pricing
By Michael Jones - October 5, 2016
A physician owned malpractice insurance company found that the frequency of malpractice claims were down between 2007 to 2014 The physician-owned insurance company analyzed 1,180 closed claims levied
Why I am a Psychiatric Nurse
By Angie Best-Boss RN - October 4, 2016
The first time I tried to kill myself, I was 12. Twenty-three Benadryl just made me very sleepy. That is, until I had my stomach pumped. The second time I didn’t actually take the pills, but instead