Blog Posts from August, 2017
View all posts4 Signs You Are Burning Out
By Mitchel Schwindt, MD - August 31, 2017
...I wanted to share a few subtle signs of burnout that can change the trajectory of a medical career. With increased workload, requirements for electronic health record documentation, system inefficiencies and the normal day-to-day stresses of clinical practice, it is easy to see why a life in medicine has taken its toll on many physicians...
Facing the Challenges of Nurse Recruitment
By John Miller - August 29, 2017
Recruiting the best and brightest is always a challenge, no matter what industry you happen to find yourself in. However, the recruitment of nursing staff has proven to be a particularly challenging
How to Manage Your Online Reputation with Your Career in Mind
By Jennifer Bouley - August 24, 2017
In today's world, it is easy to access information from a variety of sources, and it's easy for employers to find out information about you during the job search process. The question is, how do you
Interview Techniques that Get Results
By Riia O'Donnell - August 22, 2017
With any opening, from the most entry-level unskilled position to top-tier clinician hires, interviewing is difficult. From each side of the desk, we’re revealing our best information and playing down
Why Healthcare Professionals Are Killing Themselves
By Mitchel Schwindt, MD - August 15, 2017
Working in the trenches of medicine requires stamina and mental fortitude. Fueling the body and mind is critical for optimal performance and patient care. Unfortunately, many healthcare professionals are killing themselves by what they put into their mouths.
How Hospital Human Resources Can Benefit Patient Satisfaction Scores
By Stephen Leitz - August 10, 2017
Since the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and System went live in 2008, hospitals have had to look closer at their practices to ensure they're meeting the quality outcomes and patient satisfaction, as the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid now tie a portion of reimbursements to the HCAHPS score.
Doctors, Know Your Rights! (What Employed Physicians Need to Know)
By Susan Gulliford CPRW - August 8, 2017
As an employee, you need to know that you have certain legal rights. Keep in mind this discussion concerns physicians who are employees, not independent contractors. Doctors need to know about these laws, too.
Lessons of Freakonomics - USMLE Step 2 CS is Excellent at Revenue Generation
By Ted Tsai, MD - August 1, 2017
Last time I discussed the book Freakonomics and how it described that people do what they are incentivized to do-- often to unintended results. Today I’m going to discuss a recently controversial aspect