Blog Posts from February, 2019
View all postsThis is How to Start a Healthcare Job Search
By Russell Singleton, PA - February 28, 2019
Assuming you have a particular direction in mind, you might be surprised to learn that labor markets are incredibly diverse, and advice is somewhat difficult to generalize. That being said, we’ll discuss a few tips that should be helpful, no matter where you are or what field of medicine you are looking to get in to.
6 Tips for Finding a Healthcare Job in Another State
By Susan Gulliford CPRW - February 26, 2019
Do you dream of looking out your window and seeing the Rocky Mountains? Do you envision going to a warm, sandy beach after your shift at the hospital instead of driving home in the snow? One big hurdle stands in the way of making your fantasy a reality, the difficulty of finding a job in another state.
Recruiting a Diverse Workforce in Healthcare
By Riia O'Donnell - February 21, 2019
The prevailing wisdom is that a diverse workforce in the healthcare industry can lead to better patient outcomes. A workforce that better represents patients may be more adept in practicing cultural competency, awareness, and sensitivity. Institutions that work toward diversity in their recruitment and acquisition can see many positive results for their efforts; as their workforce expands to better meet the needs of their consumers, their environment and brand may also reap benefits. Moving toward a more diverse facility is something almost every healthcare provider should prioritize.
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Choose My Medical Specialty
By Ryan Montoya, M.D. - February 19, 2019
Choosing the right medical career is, like any other form of employment, filled with philosophically wondrous but functionally useless platitudes. The adage “do what you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life” decorates countless commencement speeches and career day addresses. Maybe that works for some jobs. In medicine, that strikes me as a bit backwards.
6 Best Practices for Building Patient Loyalty
By Anne Carrie - February 14, 2019
Consumers today have high expectations when it comes to service. Companies such as Amazon, Netflix, and Google have thrived on providing consumers what they want, when they want it. As a result, we are living in an “on-demand” era that has increasingly infiltrated almost every industry, with healthcare being no exception. One may argue that medicine is hardly the same as ordering a video or a new set of bath towels online. However, the reality is that patients are consumers and they are living in an “on-demand” world. To gain their business and win their loyalty, healthcare organizations and practices must recognize this shift and implement strategies to improve access, convenience, and personalization. The following are six best practices for building and maintaining patient loyalty...
Top 9 Tips to Pick the Best Answers for USMLE Questions
By Eric Brown - February 12, 2019
The USMLE Step 1 has multiple questions, each requiring a unique strategy to arrive at the best answer. Here are 9 tips to help you finish your USMLE test on time, if not early, and get maximum answers right.
Physicians, Don't Let These Excuses Stop Your Salary Negotiations
By Faith A. Coleman, MD - February 7, 2019
Yes! No! Definitely! Definitely not! Maybe. Yes, it’s a definite maybe! Early, late, half-time, never? You first. NEVER you first. When? How? Where? You changed your mind. Paper, email, text, a singing telegram? Get in their face; be demure. NEVER use these words; ALWAYS use these words. Is the market up or down? Wear blue. Wear black. Wear scrubs. Such are the agonies, uncertainties, and the perseveration of negotiating a salary. You shouldn’t have to suffer so much – you did enough of that during your training. I’m providing some excuses you can use to avoid the discomfort of salary negotiation. Try them on before your interview. You’ll find something. If you don’t find a good fit, don’t worry. The universe never runs out of excuses.
Employee Engagement Through Training and Education Opportunities
By Deb Laudenslager - February 5, 2019
Many organizations face challenges when creating training programs that meet the needs of employees, especially staff who work nights and weekends. Smaller organizations find it difficult to train staff that work nights and weekends. Developing other forms of training access will reduce payroll costs and increase employee satisfaction and engagement by showing your consideration of their personal time.