Blog Posts from July, 2019
View all postsMedical Scribes - Benefits and Challenges
By Faith A. Coleman, MD - July 30, 2019
Scribes may improve the overall quality of documentation. It can be more detailed, comprehensive, and available quickly. Improved documentation in turn can be used to achieve “meaningful use” EHR Incentive Program criteria and improve compliance with quality monitors, billing, and reimbursement...
How to Create Job Postings That Stand Out
By Riia O'Donnell - July 25, 2019
Job postings today must outline what you can do for them, and provide insight into the values you hold. When your messaging is clear, you’ll attract talent whose vision for their career aligns exactly with your needs.
Technological Change and Disruption in Medicine
By Mitchel Schwindt, MD - July 23, 2019
You must change or risk permanent disruption. Opportunities are abundant, and the correct mindset will help ensure relevance as exponential technologies and those pioneers pushing the edge and disrupt the healthcare marketplace.
3 Strategies for Improving Nursing Engagement
By Anne Carrie - July 18, 2019
Improving nursing engagement can positively impact patient care, patient experience, safety, quality, and outcomes, and there are not many other initiatives can claim a similar ROI.
Dealing with Bad Patient Outcomes
By David Beran, DO - July 16, 2019
Working in a high-liability specialty for the past nine years, I have received the news of bad outcomes several times. It never gets easier—and frankly I think that if it does, it's a good sign that I should probably quit clinical medicine. Below is the process I go through and a few tips I wish I knew earlier on...
Practice Interviews: Getting Ready for Success
By Riia O'Donnell - July 11, 2019
Practice interviews are a great way to prepare to meet with a potential employer. When you consider the impression you want to make, do your homework and practice your interview responses; then you’ll be ready to show any recruiter that you’re the right fit for the job and the institution.
Top 35 Questions to Ask Before Signing Your First Physician Contract
By Anne Carrie - July 9, 2019
Asking the right questions and having detailed, in-depth conversations with potential employers will allow physicians to make an educated decision on whether the opportunity is the best career option for them.
The Benefits of the Locums Life: An Option at Any Stage in Your Career
By Ore Ogunyemi, MD - July 2, 2019
Locums tenens literally means "place holder," and to many physicians, locums jobs have been just that—a temporary position until something better comes along or the only option for those unable to maintain a permanent position. But times are changing, and more physicians realize that locums tenens is far more than a desperate search for sub-par opportunities...