A Different Script – Preparing for Legal Issues in Life and Medicine
Dr. Mitchel Swindt offers his experience-based opinion on preparing for legal eventualities in your professional and personal life with the assistance of expert counsel.
Read moreRecruiting Gen Z in Healthcare
To many recruiters, the ever-growing generation gap and differences in communication styles is proving difficult. So if you’re looking to headhunt for top talent among the youth, it is important to know what Gen-Z values.
Read moreThe 9 Don’ts of Interviewing
There are many helpful guides on what you should be doing during a job interview, but it is equally important to understand what NOT to do in these situations. Here are 9 things you should avoid in any job interview.
Read morePhysician Assistant Career Advancement Through Higher Education and Certification
You’re in a rut as a physician assistant, longing for more career fulfillment. The thought of going back to medical school and throwing away your years of experience in the trenches as a PA is daunting, however. What other options are available for those aspiring advanced practitioners to further their education?
Read moreHow to Handle a Poor Performance Review
Performance reviews can be anxiety-inducing, but what about in the catastrophic worst-case-scenario? After testing, you receive a horrible grade of your performance that leaves something to be desired. How do you best recover gracefully from such a blow?
Read moreWhy Behavioral Interview Questions Provide More Insight for Healthcare Hiring
Pointed behavioral questions are a better gauge of candidate’s thought processes than simple yes/no questions. Here are a few more specific questions one might consider asking when interviewing prospective employees.
Read morePhysician Curriculum Vitae Tips: Selling Career Accomplishments
In this post Dr. Faith Coleman provides some tips for selling your career accomplishments in your curriculum vitae.
Read moreNutritional Tips for Busy Nurses
Nurses work in an environment that’s stressful and almost always busy, so eating healthy can be difficult to balance on top of all the other responsibilities. However, a nutritious diet is an important aspect of life that many neglect. So how can one best implement healthy eating practices into such an involved profession?
Read moreHow to Create a More Compelling Job Posting
When marketing a new job ad, ask yourself the following question: if I were a job-seeker, would I respond to this ad? If your answer was no, then you should be reading this article to find out why.
Read moreAlternative Career Options for the Burned Out Physician
For physicians burned out by the busy nature of patient care, there is great reassurance in knowing about the plethora of alternative career options available. From writing to consulting, here is a list of diverging career paths doctors can take when leaving medical practice.
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