Posts Tagged "Alternative Medicine"
View all postsFour Reasons Your Medical Practice Should Embrace CAM
By Ore Ogunyemi, MD - March 5, 2019
Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) refers to any therapy that is not a part of standard Western medicine. Despite increasing interest from patients - up to a third of Americans use some form of CAM - western medicine has historically vilified these practices as not evidenced based and without much merit. Despite this, many CAM practices are beneficial to patients and can safely be integrated into your medical practice. Read on to see why your practice should start incorporating CAM...
Health Care Workers Benefit from Spending Time in Nature
By Patricia Bratianu RN PhD RH-AHG - October 10, 2017
Spending time in nature is an important aspect of self-care for healthcare workers. Nature enhances mental and physical well–being. It boosts creativity and brain function. Exposure to nature is especially helpful for healthcare workers due to the intensity of our jobs, physical demands, and the technical environments in which we work.
The Medical Marijuana Industry's Potency Problem
By Jack Isler, MD - October 17, 2016
The safe use of marijuana for medical purposes is one of the areas in which mainstream medicine has let its patients down. Primary care providers should take more of an active role advocating for their
Where does Complementary and Alternative Medicine Fit in US Healthcare?
By Jack Isler, MD - August 18, 2016
As a physician, some of my biggest disappointments have been with colleagues who could not visualize the benefit of going beyond the usual prescription medications or surgery as the only methods of