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Posts Tagged "Electronic Health Records (EHRs)"

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How Emerging Technologies Are Shaping the Future of Healthcare

By Mitchel Schwindt, MD - August 27, 2019

Imagine a world where complex health issues can be solved or prevented with relative ease. As lifespan increases, technology innovators race to outpace the growing demands of the planet’s expanding population.  Medical technology companies create faster, more, and less expensive answers to patient care needs. Engineering and science have converged, making medical practice easier for physicians, more effective for patients, and less costly to the system struggling to hold it all up...

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Novel Technologies Change Medicine Forever

Medical Scribes - Benefits and Challenges

By Faith A. Coleman, MD - July 30, 2019

Scribes may improve the overall quality of documentation. It can be more detailed, comprehensive, and available quickly. Improved documentation in turn can be used to achieve “meaningful use” EHR Incentive Program criteria and improve compliance with quality monitors, billing, and reimbursement...

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Medical Scribes - Benefits and Challenges

Is Technology Helping or Hurting Your Healthcare Practice?

By Russell Singleton, PA - April 4, 2019

There’s no telling how medical technology will change in the future, but those with stock in the delivery of healthcare can shape its utilization in a way that doesn’t negatively affect patient care. As long as there is value in human relationships and healing touch, technology can facilitate the delivery of care rather than impede it.

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Medical Technology

Why Is EHR Interoperability So Difficult?

By Faith A. Coleman, MD - August 16, 2018

The point of the blame game isn’t to persecute the players, but to understand the dynamics of interoperability issues, in order to create solutions. Of the stakeholders, only policymakers have a clear, strong interest in promoting interoperability. They should ensure that cross-vendor interoperability isn’t prohibitively costly for EHR vendors and providers. Once the business case for interoperability outweighs the business case against it, both vendors and providers can pursue it without great harm to their bottom lines.

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Why Is EHR Interoperability So Difficult?

Electronic Health Records: The Scourge

By Faith A. Coleman, MD - March 2, 2017

The consensus among users is that what is needed most in EHRs is interoperability. The Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) has defined interoperability as "the ability of different information technology systems and software applications to communicate, exchange data, and use the information that has been exchanged." Interoperability opens the way for many new digital tools — such as apps for both physicians and patients — to make data-sharing among EHRs a priceless asset, not a source of frustration. We need access to patient records in EHRs from different systems. This type of communication was one of the fundamental lacks that the transition from paper was meant to remedy. The issue, unfortunately, is commercially driven lack of cooperation, not lack of technology....

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Electronic Health Records: The Scourge

ICD-10 and EHR Changes Impact Medical Billing & Coding Professionals

By Audrey Clark - December 10, 2014

What Medical Billing & Coding Professionals Need to Know About ICD-10 and EHR Changes Electronic health records (EHRs) have become the standard way of doing business in medical facilities across

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