Posts Tagged "Financial Planning"
View all postsTop 10 Blogs of 2023
By Blake Conner - January 2, 2024
For 11 years HospitalRecruiting has been a professional resource for healthcare job seekers and employers alike. Here are our top-performing articles of 2023.
Finance Tips for Residency Graduates
By Danielle Kelvas, MD - May 11, 2023
You've graduated your residency program and after years of paying, it's finally time to start earning. Before lying on your bed of cash however, review these best practice financial health tips for new physicians!
What No One Tells You About Financial Health in Medical School and Residency
By Danielle Kelvas, MD - January 11, 2023
Medical school and residency are major financial burdens for those in healthcare, and neither program is going to teach you how to stay in good financial health through the process. In this article, Danielle Kelvas, MD, offers insight from her own experience in both on how to keep your finances in order during this difficult time.
Financial Pros and Cons of Locum Tenens
By Faith A. Coleman, MD - April 6, 2021
Being a locum tenens physician means you are operating as an independent contractor, not an employee. There are different financial obligations, pros and cons that come with being a contractor vs an employee. But what exactly are they?
Saving Money on Taxes After a Low Income Year
By Faith A. Coleman, MD - March 26, 2021
For many working in healthcare 2020 was a lower income year. Don't let tax time hit you harder than you were expecting, here are a few tips on how to best arrange your finances at the end of the year for the highest return.
Tax Planning for Physicians and Their Families
By Faith A. Coleman, MD - March 17, 2021
Tax season can be brutal for many. This article offers an extensive list on deductions, exemptions, and tax credits for physicians and their families to utilize this April.
9 Essential Skills Medical Schools Don't Teach and How to Overcome the Knowledge Deficit
By David Beran, DO - September 22, 2020
Medical schools teach medical content well, but they miss the mark when it comes to teaching the practical side of medicine. Questions like How should I manage my income? What should I look for in a contract? or What happens when I’m sued? are left unanswered. Physicians generally learn these lessons on the job and make avoidable mistakes along the way. The following are nine skills I wish I would have learned before leaving medical school.
The Healthcare Worker's Furlough Survival Toolkit
By Stacey E. Halford, MSW, LMSW - April 15, 2020
The US Healthcare sector has been upended by the nationwide spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). Existing provider shortages are amplified as hospitals reach capacity to treat the sickest patients. On the opposite end of the spectrum, more than 43,000 US healthcare professionals and support staff have been furloughed as hospitals scale down or discontinue some service line... Adapt a concrete plan with some cognitive shifts to get through the next days and weeks of furlough.
Financial Planning for Resident Physicians
By Laura Gilroy, MD - November 18, 2019
For most hard-working residents, paying rent and bills on time each month can feel like a minor miracle. Financial planning might consist of little more than turning student loan payments on auto-pay. While resident salaries do not leave much room for investing and saving, the years young doctors spend in residency represent an important time during which a few simple moves can help to set the groundwork for a more sound financial future.
How One Doctor Lost $67,500 in Less Than a Minute
By Mitchel Schwindt, MD - January 31, 2019
...I was not fully vested and would have to forfeit over $67,000. Poof...Gone forever. Holy shit. Seriously?!? What a painful lesson. One I never want to repeat, and one I hope you never have to face. If only I would have used a financial advisor at the start, this painful lesson could have been avoided, before plowing blindly ahead into investments I didn't fully understand...