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Posts Tagged ‘Job Descriptions’

Employer Branding and Recruitment


Recruiting healthcare candidates today requires strategic use of social media, strong employer branding, and a streamlined application process to attract top talent. Here we examine how this can create an engaging candidate experience that leads to better recruiting outcomes.

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Crafting Engaging Job Posts for Specialty Job Boards

writing compelling job posts to recruit more providers

Attracting top talent in today’s healthcare market demands a comprehensive approach. By crafting compelling job postings and leveraging specialty job boards, you can effectively reach and engage candidates aligned with your organization’s values and goals.

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Top 10 Blogs of 2023

top 10 articles of 2023

For 11 years HospitalRecruiting has been a professional resource for healthcare job seekers and employers alike. Here are our top-performing articles of 2023.

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How Transparency in Job Postings Improves Recruiting Outcomes

how transparency leads to better recruitment outcomes

Transparency in job postings is crucial for attracting quality candidates in the healthcare job market. Providing clear details about work schedules, pay, job responsibilities, and benefits fosters trust and generates more applicants. For better recruitment outcomes, here are a few things to consider when making your next job post.

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How to Drive Candidate Engagement with High Quality Job Posts

candidate engagement job posts

Hiring is candidate-centric in today’s challenging market, so your job advertisements have to be engaging to compete. Getting applications from job seekers means evaluating your job posts from a candidate point of view: what is attracting talent, and what’s turning them away?

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How to Make a Job Posting Stand Out – A Provider’s Perspective

job ads that stand out

Times are tough for hiring, with more jobs than employees to fill them. This competitive market means it’s important for your job posting to stand out if you want applicants. In this article practicing PA Jacob Bolinger shares some of the job details that providers are most interested in and which are often missing from job posts.

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Job descriptions: Updating for Success in Today’s Market

Job descriptions and when to update them

A job description is a blueprint for every aspect of the hiring process. Keeping this description up-to-date is integral to finding and retaining top talent in your field, so employers must stay vigilant and always keep their postings fresh and relevant.

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How to Create a More Compelling Job Posting

creating a compelling job ad

When marketing a new job ad, ask yourself the following question: if I were a job-seeker, would I respond to this ad? If your answer was no, then you should be reading this article to find out why.

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What to look for when considering a new job – the basics and beyond

Businessman looks through his Telescope. Great illustration of Retro styled Businessman who's getting a really great view of the business landscape with his gigantic telescope.

Whether it’s your first job fresh out of school or switching careers 30 years in, it is important to ensure that you land where you want to be. Finding the right fit with a company is just as important as finding the right fit with the work itself. It is important to prioritize what you want from your career, so you don’t end up taking a great job in a terrible company.

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How to Create Job Postings That Stand Out

Job Postings That Showcase What Your Facility Has to Offer

Job postings today must outline what you can do for them, and provide insight into the values you hold. When your messaging is clear, you’ll attract talent whose vision for their career aligns exactly with your needs.

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