Posts Tagged "License & Certifications"
View all postsPhysician Assistant Career Advancement Through Higher Education and Certification
By Russell Singleton, PA - June 8, 2021
You're in a rut as a physician assistant, longing for more career fulfillment. The thought of going back to medical school and throwing away your years of experience in the trenches as a PA is daunting, however. What other options are available for those aspiring advanced practitioners to further their education?
So What is Physician Re-entry?
By Faith A. Coleman, MD - April 27, 2021
After a number of years off the job, physician re-entry can be a daunting task. Here is a list of recommendations, as presented by the American Medical Association, for best practice tips on returning to the workforce after an extended leave of absence.
The Changing Face of Healthcare Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic
By Ore Ogunyemi, MD - April 1, 2020
Even as the pandemic highlights gaps in our health care system, individuals, organizations, and governments have stepped up to deliver innovations to fill these gaps. While this change has come amidst a crisis, there are important lessons in these emergency measures that have the ability to affect our profession into the foreseeable future.
How Can Board Certification Further Your Nursing Career?
By Benjamin "Caleb" Williams RN, BA, CEN - October 11, 2019
There are several reasons that a nurse should consider pursing a professional certification. Some of the more prominent reasons include improvement in career opportunities, the ability to stand out in your specialty, and increased opportunities for professional development...
How to Protect Your Nursing License
By Angie Best-Boss RN - September 8, 2016
A nurse gets a DUI. Another makes a medication error that claims the life of a patient. A student nurse snaps a photo of a patient and posts it on social media. A director of nursing for a nursing
Your Nursing License Across State Lines
By Angie Best-Boss RN - August 4, 2015
What do you do when you are offered the perfect nursing job, or a life situation arises that requires you to pack up and move across state lines? Besides the obvious logistics, you need to prepare