Posts Tagged "Medical Education"
View all postsTo Fellowship or not to Fellowship?
By Santoshi Billakota, MD - October 5, 2023
The decision to pursue a fellowship depends largely on your career goals and the field of medicine you choose to specialize in. Here we'll explore common concerns and questions physicians have surrounding the necessity of doing a fellowship.
Established and Proven Options for Alleviating Medical Education Debt
By Laura Gilroy, MD - October 7, 2021
The average US residency graduate has accumulated $250k in debt from their medical education. Suffice to say, a high student loan burden is a near certainty for almost all who take the road of a physician. In this post Dr. Laura Gilroy outlines the established methods for resolving medical education debt.
COVID-19: The Effects on Medical Education
By Faith A. Coleman, MD - December 15, 2020
The coronavirus pandemic has added a level of urgency to examining the health systems and the way they affect communities in the US.
Residency Training - A Final Year Timeline
By Laura Gilroy, MD - July 7, 2020
As July 1st rolls around yet again, another group of new interns will be starting in every residency program around the country. This time of year is important and symbolic for all residents because it represents their progression to the next year of training, and for the lucky seniors among us, it means that residency has finally come to an end...
The Road to Medical School
By James L West, MD - October 9, 2019
The road to medical school is a long and rewarding journey that prepares you for residency and the process of becoming a physician. It is only one part of the journey, but it is the important beginning of the marathon.
How to Get Through School While Holding Down a Job
By Tyler Faust, RN - February 22, 2018
Working while getting an education is becoming more mainstream in recent years, given the ever-increasing cost of tuition. Industries (especially healthcare) are pushing their employees and providing
Advance Your Education and Career While Working in Healthcare
By Tyler Faust, RN - December 29, 2017
Everyone wants to get a job that can eventually turn into a career. Most careers require an extensive amount of training. Generally, you can’t do both of them at the same time, with one major exception: the healthcare industry.
How to Effectively Teach the Next Generation of Healthcare Professionals
By Allison Clark - February 7, 2017
Do you remember walking into your first clinical internship? You may have been nervous or excited, over-confident or completely clueless. So much of the experience of your internships depended on the
Bedside Manner: What's Missing in Our Healthcare Education?
By Brooke Chaplan - April 7, 2015
Since the age of Hippocrates, the importance of an empathetic relationship between doctor and patient during treatment has been acknowledged. In one of the works from the Hippocratic Corpus, a collection
Medical Humor/Parody | The Wrath of Dr. Khan | ZDoggMD
By Michael Jones - March 31, 2015
Editors note: Time for another entry in our medical humor blog courtesy of ZDoggMD. This latest video is rated PNSFW (Possibly Not Safe For Work). It doesn't include any cursing, but there is some coarse