Posts Tagged "Mentoring"
View all postsSix Ways to Keep That “New Grad” Enthusiasm in Healthcare
By MaryAnn DePietro - October 28, 2020
Working in healthcare is a rewarding career. But it also can be stressful and exhausting. It's easy for the excitement you once felt to fade. But with awareness and by making a few small adjustments, you can keep your enthusiasm for your healthcare career long after you graduate.
What I Will Be Looking for in My First Job After Residency
By James L West, MD - May 5, 2020
Ultimately, the factors that you’ll consider as your look for your first job are personal and largely depend on what you value.... In the final analysis, the most important thing to consider is your happiness, because as an early career attending, you will likely be working long hours, and you want to ensure that you enjoy the environment and the people with whom you’ve chosen to surround yourself.
The Road to Residency
By James L West, MD - January 20, 2020
The road to residency is long, and for many medical students, it begins within months of starting medical school, allowing little time for rest and relaxation. Once you’ve spent the time to know what specialty you intend to pursue, find a mentor to help shepherd you along the path. Next, do your research and learn what the objective measures for success are to match into your chosen specialty, and then set out to meet or exceed those standards!
Musings from My Mentors
By Mitchel Schwindt, MD - October 2, 2018
Perhaps the quickest way to accelerate progress in life and career is to find a mentor. Another is to hire a coach. I did both. Here are a few lessons I learned along the way.
Finding and Working with a Mentor
By Mitchel Schwindt, MD - July 12, 2018
Having a mentor can make a massive difference in your career. You will be introduced to influential people outside your circle, rapidly gain knowledge, and accelerate professional development. Data shows that young professionals who have mentors ultimately have higher career satisfaction, autonomy, and financial reward. Don't have a mentor? What are you waiting for?
How to Give Feedback Even When You Hate Conflict
By Crystal Jones RN - March 8, 2018
An online poll conducted by Harris Poll found that 69% of managers stated that they are uncomfortable communicating with employees. A whopping (but not surprising) 37% said they dislike giving direct feedback to an employee.
How to Be a Good Mentor in Healthcare
By MaryAnn DePietro - October 6, 2015
It’s the start of your shift and standing in front of you is a wide-eyed student, excited about the shift ahead. Yep, you are assigned to take a student for the day, week, or even longer. Whether