Posts Tagged "Physician Training"
View all postsTo Fellowship or not to Fellowship?
By Santoshi Billakota, MD - October 5, 2023
The decision to pursue a fellowship depends largely on your career goals and the field of medicine you choose to specialize in. Here we'll explore common concerns and questions physicians have surrounding the necessity of doing a fellowship.
Understanding Rank Order List (ROL)
By Tiffany McPherson - January 6, 2022
After finishing your residency application, it is finally time to begin on your Rank Order List (ROL). Understanding how the algorithm works and considering many different factors in this process is crucial, because a Match is considered a binding contract. This article contains helpful guidelines for navigating your ROL.
Intern Year Reflections: A Roller Coaster of Emotions
By Audrey Rutherford, MD - November 25, 2019
Intern year is a year of mountains and valleys, full of failure, forgetting, and dreariness followed quickly by success, learning, and elation. Wallow in its instability and allow it to let you grow into a wonderfully dynamic physician. I promise you’ll get to the other side glad you tackled the ride.
Get Your Scrubs & Try Not to Kill Anyone
By Mikael Plymoth - February 3, 2016
Editors note: We're back with another comic from The Elephant in the OR. In today's edition our hero shows up for his first day as a new intern, and recieves a very disconcerting welcome. Elephant in the