Posts Tagged "Salary"
View all postsWhat Physicians Can Do When Compensation Growth Fails to Match Inflation
By Danielle Kelvas, MD - February 14, 2024
The gap between physician salaries and inflation is growing every year, leaving many providers to delay retirement and increasing overall burnout. Danielle Kelvas, MD, suggests fighting this wage disparity by advocating for fair compensation, negotiating contracts, and even exploring non-traditional settings.
How to Negotiate Your Wage and Benefits
By Benjamin "Caleb" Williams RN, BA, CEN - November 2, 2022
So you received an offer on the job of your dreams, congratulations! However, odds are if you take the offer now you may be settling for less than they're willing to give you. Knowing how to negotiate your salary can be difficult, but here are a few best practice tips on how to get the wage and benefits you deserve.
The Gender Pay Gap and What You Can Do About It
By Faith A. Coleman, MD - May 23, 2019
Women have made great strides toward equality with men in both their personal and their professional lives. There is, however, a glaring lack of action and change in a critical area – pay. Using data from 2017, the federal government reports that the median annual pay of women who work full time is 20 percent less than the median annual pay of men who work full time. That means that for every dollar a man is paid, a woman is paid only 80 cents.
How to Receive a Fair Salary
By Faith A. Coleman, MD - March 26, 2019
It’s time to look for a new job. That could mean you’ve finally earned your degree and been certified, or you’re relocating, or you just don’t see a way to grow in your current job. There are a lot of unknowns inherent to seeking a new job. Where? Why? When? You can never completely know everything there is to know about a company, no matter how thorough you research a position. Some fields are becoming so crowded that you may not have much choice, and the job chooses you. Whatever the case, compensation must be discussed – no one’s favorite task of coming on board a new company.
Physicians, Don't Let These Excuses Stop Your Salary Negotiations
By Faith A. Coleman, MD - February 7, 2019
Yes! No! Definitely! Definitely not! Maybe. Yes, it’s a definite maybe! Early, late, half-time, never? You first. NEVER you first. When? How? Where? You changed your mind. Paper, email, text, a singing telegram? Get in their face; be demure. NEVER use these words; ALWAYS use these words. Is the market up or down? Wear blue. Wear black. Wear scrubs. Such are the agonies, uncertainties, and the perseveration of negotiating a salary. You shouldn’t have to suffer so much – you did enough of that during your training. I’m providing some excuses you can use to avoid the discomfort of salary negotiation. Try them on before your interview. You’ll find something. If you don’t find a good fit, don’t worry. The universe never runs out of excuses.
Top Ten Highest Paying Nurse Practitioner Specialties
By Catherine Burger, RN - September 20, 2018
The role of the Nurse Practitioner (NP) is ubiquitous in the field of medicine. Wherever one finds a physician in a clinical setting, a nurse practitioner (with training and little oversight) may also be found. While salaries for these advanced practice nurses will vary from region to region in the U.S., there are also some salary differences based on area of specialty.
How Can Physicians Ask For & Get a Raise?
By Mitchel Schwindt, MD - March 13, 2018
Physicians often find themselves earning a similar income year after year, or even a bit less. Many struggle through this, but years ago a mentor shared a few tactics to improve the playing field. Some of these options may be intuitive, but without directly asking for an increase in compensation, you will be in the same position twelve months from now.
Negotiating a Salary the Right Way
By Jennifer Bouley - December 13, 2016
The salary discussion is often one of the most tedious dilemmas that candidates face during the application process. When it comes to this question, candidates are usually concerned about how to answer,