Posts Tagged "Self-Care"
View all postsHealth Hazards of Working Nights
By Patricia Bratianu RN PhD RH-AHG - June 22, 2022
It is no surprise that working nights is challenging. However, there are more health hazards associated with night shift than you might be aware of. Let's explore common health risks that night shift workers face.
Tips to Improve Well-Being for Healthcare Providers During the Pandemic
By David Beran, DO - January 26, 2021
The ongoing pandemic has taken quite a toll beyond just physically. Mental exhaustion, burnout, and fatigue are only a few of the problems facing those working on the frontlines in the healthcare field. Here are 6 wellbeing tips to help remedy the problems faced by all those in the field.
Healthcare Provider Survival Tools for 2021
By Mitchel Schwindt, MD - January 4, 2021
Many reading this may find themselves with rounded shoulders and aching backs from long days seated, staring at screens. Don’t become a physical casualty. Reward your persistence, for you deserve self-care every single day. Consider the following tools as options for your survival as 2021 unfolds.
Six Ways to Keep That “New Grad” Enthusiasm in Healthcare
By MaryAnn DePietro - October 28, 2020
Working in healthcare is a rewarding career. But it also can be stressful and exhausting. It's easy for the excitement you once felt to fade. But with awareness and by making a few small adjustments, you can keep your enthusiasm for your healthcare career long after you graduate.
Self-Care for Healthcare Workers During the Covid-19 Pandemic
By Tammy McKinney, RN - April 10, 2020
This new reality, no matter how temporary, is affecting us deeply, and it’s more important now than ever to practice some self-care...
Physician Self Care Tips for 2020
By Mitchel Schwindt, MD - January 8, 2020
With the dawn of a new year and decade, why not take a moment to reflect on a few simple self care tactics and strategies that can alter and improve the course of life.
5 Self Care Tips to Save Your Healthcare Career and Your Sanity
By Crystal Jones RN - December 12, 2017
You work hard. Day and night, evenings and weekends, holidays and celebrations. You work, giving your time and energy to take care of everybody else. But who takes care of you? Who takes care
Turn Back Time - Healthy Ways to Side Step Stress!
By Laura McCrary - April 23, 2015
Are stress and your health linked? You bet! Many doctors and authors have said that the way to live a long life is to reduce your daily stress. As the famous author Dale Carnegie said in his book,