Posts Tagged "Working With Recruiters"
View all postsHow to Find the Right Recruiter
By Benjamin "Caleb" Williams RN, BA, CEN - May 25, 2022
Healthcare recruiters can play a pivotal role in your career trajectory and helping you find jobs that align with your career goals and personal values. Here are a few things to consider for choosing the right recruiter.
Why You Should Network With Recruiters BEFORE You Graduate
By Tammy McKinney, RN - October 22, 2020
Regardless of the “shortage” of healthcare workers, finding a position that is right for you can still be quite a challenge. Don’t wait until you’re competing with so many others. Get ahead of the game, network and build relationships now.
How to Recognize "Job Spam" from Legitimate Job Offers
By Laura Gilroy, MD - February 28, 2020
Recruiters can be very useful in navigating the job selection and hiring process, especially for newly graduated residents who are unfamiliar with the specificities of this next step. It is important to keep in mind that this is an industry, and to keep informed so as to avoid being taken advantage of along the way.
What Emergency Medicine Physicians Want From Recruiters
By David Beran, DO - August 1, 2019
It’s time to get over the antagonistic relationship a lot of doctors have with recruiters and get to a point where we can help each other. Ultimately, it can only benefit us both to have higher quality interactions...
5 Tips to Choose the Right Healthcare Recruiter
By Miranda Belcher, RN - June 4, 2019
Every single healthcare professional seeking out a travel or permanent position has different needs, skills, credentials, experience, etc. How flexible is your potential recruiter with your needs? Is he willing to listen and do his best to meet all of your requirements for your next travel or permanent job? A good recruiter will flex with you and go out of his way to see that your expectations are met.
Working with Recruiters as an Advanced Practice Clinician
By Russell Singleton, PA - April 25, 2019
Working with a recruiter can either be an obstacle or an asset. Not only are there different types of recruiters, but their experience and methods run the gamut. This article will help to educate the clinician reader about the basics of healthcare job recruiting and the role good recruiters can play in a job search. A good match between provider and recruiter can lead to a more productive and profitable relationship for both.
Why Working with a Physician Recruiter Can Land You Your Dream Job
By Ore Ogunyemi, MD - March 21, 2019
Finding a new job can feel overwhelming— you have to consider the impact on your career, uprooting your family, novel work-place politics, and the list goes on. Figuring out how to organize your search can seem like a shot in the dark, especially if you are at a transition point in your career, want to cast a wide net, or are unsure of the job market. The job search is where physician recruiters shine; they have years or decades of experience managing these painful— but rewarding— transitions, and can provide you with valuable insight. After you've done your research and chosen a reputable recruiter, he or she will go to bat to help you land the job you want...
As a Physician These are the Qualities I Value in a Recruiter
By Mitchel Schwindt, MD - February 20, 2018
When answers are needed or clarification required, the kind of recruiter I like to work with digs in and finds the honest answers. Fostering a long-term relationship over the quick win is a recipe for mutually beneficial collaboration.
How Can Recruiters Work Better With Physicians?
By Mitchel Schwindt, MD - May 31, 2017
A career in healthcare provides an incredible life full of experiences, challenges, and heartbreak, mixed with incredible satisfaction. With the rapidly shifting global economy, health professionals retain a large degree of flexibility and geographic independence. That said, it takes a unique proposition from a recruiter to pull one away from a satisfying position. I have, on a rare occasion, taken the bait and enjoyed great rewards as a result. Here is how it happened.
4 Things I Like About My Recruiter
By Mitchel Schwindt, MD - April 13, 2017
I am selective in where and why I'll travel to pick up some shifts, but a key factor is the methods of the recruiter. I wanted to share a few of my favorite recruiter traits and to let you know good recruiters do still exist.