Posts Tagged "ZDoggMD"
View all postsZdoggMD - Waiting On The World To Change
By Michael Jones - August 25, 2020
"If we fight this fight together, we could change the world forever."
ZdoggMD - Low - An Outpatient Clinic Jam
By Michael Jones - October 6, 2016
Editor's note: We're back with another jam from our favorite rapping physician Zubin Damania, MD (AKA ZDoggMD). We think anyone who works in an outpatient clinic might want to blast this one before opening
ZDogg MD - 7 Years (A Life in Medicine)
By Michael Jones - July 28, 2016
Editors note: We're back with another music video from the multi-talented ZDogg MD. This one is based on the original song, 7 Years, by Lukas Graham. Similar to that original, the song tells a story of
Rap Video Solves Hospital Readmission Rate Problems
By Michael Jones - July 2, 2015
Editor's note: Okay, we admit that our title may be (more than) a little sensational, this rap video probably won't really solve any readmission rate problems. But, it does use an R. Kelly song to parody
Medical Humor/Parody | The Wrath of Dr. Khan | ZDoggMD
By Michael Jones - March 31, 2015
Editors note: Time for another entry in our medical humor blog courtesy of ZDoggMD. This latest video is rated PNSFW (Possibly Not Safe For Work). It doesn't include any cursing, but there is some coarse
#Specialty | Parody of #Selfie | ZDoggMD
By Michael Jones - December 19, 2014
Editors note: OMG & LMAO, ZDoggMD gives his take on how to pick a specialty before taking the MCAT. You can find more highly sophisticated physician comedy at, Videos from
Ebola - A Musical Parody by ZDoggMD
By Michael Jones - November 10, 2014
Ebola | Parody of The Kinks' "Lola" | Editors note: ZDoggMD does it again, educating the masses about ebola with humor and music. After you check out this new tune, have a look at ZDoggMD’s
What Does The Doc Say (about Obamacare)? | The Fox Parody (Ylvis) | ZDoggMD
By Michael Jones - February 21, 2014
Editors note: For a physician's perspective on the Affordable Care Act, we are turning to world renowned musician/performer/doctor ZDoggMD. The marvelous insights he shares in the video below provide
Expand Community Immunity with a Flu Shot | ZDoggMD
By Michael Jones - November 8, 2013
Editor’s Note: Flu season is upon us so time to build up your community's immunity by getting your flu shot. Shout out to ZDoggMD for spreading awareness through music and humor. Also, the nurses in
Medical Specialties Explained |
By Michael Jones - October 18, 2013
Editor's Note: No time for an original blog post this week, so we'll turn to ZDoggMD and Dr. Harry for an explanation of the required personality types as well as the advantages and disadvantages of some