HCA Florida Westside Hospital
Our facility provides comprehensive healthcare to the residents of Broward County. Founded in 1974, Westside Regional Medical Center has evolved into a 224-bed medical center and healthcare complex continuously expanding and bringing on the latest technology that enables us to provide leading edge services to the population we serve. Our medical services, combined with programs in specialties varying from oncology to cardiology, from surgery to emergency care, illustrate why we are one of the best leading healthcare facilities in South Florida.
Westside Regional Medical Center is a fully accredited hospital celebrating over 25 years of caring for families and individuals in central Broward County.
Staffed by 750 physicians and 825 healthcare professionals, Westside has received "Accreditation With Full Standards Compliance" by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations for the past six years.
Westside offers comprehensive inpatient and ambulatory medical and surgical services, including emergency service, critical care, comphrehensive medical and surgical cardiac care, neurosurgery, orthopaedic and sports medicine, oncology, complete diagnostic services, rehabilitative services and community health screenings.