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TeamHealth Henrico Doctors Hospital

At TeamHealth, our purpose is to perfect the practice of medicine, every day, in everything we do. We are proud to be the leading physician practice in the U.S., driven by our commitment to quality and safety and supported by our world-class operating team. To improve the experience of our physicians and advanced practice clinicians, we empower them to act on what they believe is right, free clinicians from distractions so they can focus on patient care, invest in learning and development to promote growth in the clinical field and foster an environment where continuous improvement is a shared priority.

TeamHealth Henrico Doctors Hospital Jobs

Lead Advanced Practice Clinician in Richmond, Virginia
NP - Hospitalist - Richmond, Virginia
Company: TeamHealth Henrico Doctors Hospital
Join the highly skilled hospital medicine (HM) team at Henrico Doctors Hospital in Richmond, Virginia, as our lead advanced practice clinician. The lead advanced practice clinician (APC) will work with the facility medical director and regional medical director/vice president of operations to ensure that APCs are utilized within the standards set by the state and medical staff guidelines and regul
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