Terre Haute Regional Hospital
Located at 3901 South 7th Street in Terre Haute, Regional Hospital is a 278-bed community-based medical center with comprehensive medical and surgical programs. Terre Haute Regional is accredited by The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. In 2006, Regional Hospital became the first Wabash Valley Hospital to be designated as an Accredited Chest Pain Center by the Society of Chest Pain Centers and Providers.
These accreditations help further Regional Hospital’s rich history of providing sophisticated care to the Wabash Valley community for over 129 years -from its beginnings as St. Anthony’s Hospital to the present day facility. In 1882, St. Anthony’s Hospital began as the only healthcare facility in the area. Together with the Sisters of St. Francis, St. Anthony’s Hospital served our community until 1975 when it was renamed Terre Haute Regional Hospital. In 1979, a modern five-story hospital complex was built on the south side of Terre Haute to replace the original building.
Terre Haute Regional Hospital was recently named one of the nation’s top performers on key quality measures by The Joint Commission, the leading accreditor of health care organizations in America. Terre Haute Regional Hospital was recognized based on data reported about evidence-based clinical processes that are shown to improve care for certain conditions, including heart attack, heart failure, pneumonia, surgical care and children’s asthma. Terre Haute Regional Hospital is one of only 405 U.S. hospitals and critical access hospitals (one of five in Indiana) earning the distinction of top performer on key quality measures for attaining and sustaining excellence in accountability measure performance.