MountainView Hospital
True to its mission, MountainView Hospital is a provider of compassionate, quality health care in the heart of Northwest Las Vegas. MountainView Hospital is a state-of-the-art, full-service medical facility located in the heart of northwest Las Vegas. With a dedicated and talented staff of employees and outstanding physicians, the hospital is recognized for high patient satisfaction and for providing quality and compassionate care to our community since 1996.
MountainView features nationally recognized programs including a top cardiovascular and thoracic center and the renowned Las Vegas Institute for Robotic Surgery.
The Sunrise Health Medical Education Consortium, based at MountainView, trains the next generation of physicians and surgeons for our community.
Surgical services range from complex to minimally invasive including: neurosurgery, vascular, cardiovascular and thoracic, orthopedic, bariatrics, colorectal, gynecology
Rehabilitation Services including a 36-bed inpatient unit, soon to complete an expansion that will almost double its size, Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehab as well as outpatient services