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Hospitalist UPMC Jobs

Hospitalist (PHHHS-Hospitalist West Shore)
Hospitalist - Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania
Company: UPMC
UPMC Central Pa is seeking a full-time Hospitalist. Join our growing team of employed physicians and advanced practice providers (APPs). Use your knowledge and expertise to evaluate and manage patients in many levels of acuity. Collaborate with other departments to achieve shared goals. Do what you were trained to do, and love your job at the same time.<
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UPMC Lititz is seeking a PRN Hospitalist
Hospitalist - Lititz, Pennsylvania
Company: UPMC
UPMC Central Pa is seeking a PRN Hospitalist. Join our growing team of employed physicians and advanced practice providers (APPs). Use your knowledge and expertise to evaluate and manage patients in many levels of acuity. Collaborate with other departments to achieve shared goals. Do what you were trained to do, and love your job at the same time.
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