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CI Health Group

CI Health Group connects physicians, advanced practice providers, and healthcare professionals with their next great career opportunity. We have a team of highly tenured recruiters that utilizes a consultative approach with each of our candidates to ensure we present them with opportunities that align with their standards and enhance their wellbeing, while also maximizing income potential. With a combined 150+ years of experience in the industry, we will confidently help you conquer your long-term healthcare career goals. Learn more at cihealthgroup.com.

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Internal Medicine CI Health Group Jobs in Montana

$400,000+ Mountain West IM
Internal Medicine - Montana, United States
Company: CI Health Group
Join a Diverse and Growing Group in the Mountain WestPhysicians earning $400,000+4.5-day work week, seeing 20 patients per day6 weeks PTOAbility to sponsor visasRecreation, education, and healthcare – it’s all here.Day trips to Yellowstone or Glacier National ParkWeekend boating, fishing, hiking, or huntingExceptional schools a
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