Wing Memorial Hospital and Medical Centers
Wing Memorial Hospital and Medical Centers, a UMass Memorial Health Care hospital, has a rich history of caring for the health of the citizens of the Quaboag Hills and the Pioneer Valley. Our 74-bed hospital, located in Palmer, provides the region’s residents with a broad range of emergency, medical, surgical, and psychiatric services. The five medical centers in Belchertown, Ludlow, Monson, Palmer, and Wilbraham offer extensive outpatient services to meet the needs of our surrounding communities. The Wing Memorial Health Care system also includes the Griswold Behavioral Health Center, providing comprehensive behavioral health and addiction recovery services and the Wing VNA and Hospice. We are fully accredited by the Joint Commission, and a designated Primary Stroke Service by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.
Our dedicated team of 800 employees, over 50 active medical staff and 160 registered nurses is the core of providing our community the best patient-centered care possible. Wing Memorial Hospital’s Emergency Department sees 25,000 patients annually, in addition to the 170,000 annual ambulatory visits. Our new operating rooms offer the most advanced technology and highly trained staff. We pride ourselves on our high-quality Primary Care Physicians specializing in adult family medicine, internal medicine, geriatric medicine and pediatric medicine.