Yuma Regional Medical Center
Jobs in 24 Specialties
All SpecialtiesAnesthesiology - GeneralCardiology - InterventionalEndocrinology - GeneralFamily Medicine - GeneralGastroenterology - GeneralGeneral Nurse PractitionerGeriatric MedicineHospitalist - GeneralInfectious DiseaseInternal Medicine - GeneralNeurology - GeneralObstetrics & Gynecology - GeneralObstetrics & Gynecology - OB HospitalistOncology - HematologyOrthopedics - SpineOrthopedics - Total Joint/ReconstructiveOtolaryngology - GeneralPediatric - GeneralPsychiatry - Adult/GeneralPsychologistPulmonary DiseaseRheumatologySurgery - GeneralUrology - General
Jobs in 1 States
Internal Medicine Yuma Regional Medical Center Jobs
Outpatient Internal Medicine
Internal Medicine - Yuma, Arizona
Company: Yuma Regional Medical Center
Come be a part of our Medical team at Yuma Regional Medical Center (YRMC). YRMC is seeking an Internal Medicine Physician to join our medical staff.We are conveniently located in the southwest corner of Arizona. Nearest hospital of our size in any direction is 2 1/2-hours away from San Diego, CA and Phoenix, AZ.If you have dreamed about year-round sunshine with virtually no humi