Yuma Regional Medical Center
Jobs in 24 Specialties
All SpecialtiesAnesthesiology - GeneralCardiology - InterventionalEndocrinology - GeneralFamily Medicine - GeneralGastroenterology - GeneralGeneral Nurse PractitionerGeriatric MedicineHospitalist - GeneralInfectious DiseaseInternal Medicine - GeneralNeurology - GeneralObstetrics & Gynecology - GeneralObstetrics & Gynecology - OB HospitalistOncology - HematologyOrthopedics - SpineOrthopedics - Total Joint/ReconstructiveOtolaryngology - GeneralPediatric - GeneralPsychiatry - Adult/GeneralPsychologistPulmonary DiseaseRheumatologySurgery - GeneralUrology - General
Jobs in 1 States
Rheumatology Yuma Regional Medical Center Jobs
Rheumatology - Yuma, Arizona
Company: Yuma Regional Medical Center
Position Title: Physician, RheumatologyLocation: Yuma Regional Medical CenterEmployment type: Hospital employedPosition type: Inpatient/OutpatientCall Required: NoVisa Sponsorship Eligible: YesPosition SummaryThis position is an expansion to our existing Rheumatology outpatient specialty clinic located within 1 mile from the hospital's main campus. Thi