All Posts by Stacey E. Halford, MSW, LMSW
About Stacey E. Halford, MSW, LMSW
Healthcare Workforce & Provider Recruitment: Beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic
By Stacey E. Halford, MSW, LMSW - June 5, 2020
Once the initial fear and anxiety around the COVID-19 pandemic passed, a new normal in the healthcare workforce world emerged. By now you’ve likely returned to work in some capacity. Maybe you now work remotely (Work from Home, or the new shorthand, WFH) and will do so for a while. Maybe you’ve recently returned to work under social distancing and protective face cover/mask constraints. Either way, the effects of COVID-19 loom for the long haul. Sit back, adjust your face mask, and learn how to adapt and thrive in the new world of healthcare workforce and provider recruitment...
Anxiety Management Through COVID-19’s Second Wave
By Stacey E. Halford, MSW, LMSW - July 1, 2020
Maybe you are a healthcare provider on the frontlines of COVID-19. Maybe you are a young mom watching as decisions are made about school reopening in the fall. Whatever your specific life circumstance, you are not immune to the anxiety that comes along with such unsettled times. With calm, focus, and armed with the facts, we can face the future together with a more settled heart and mind.
Healthcare Recruiter and Candidate Boot Camp: Communication 101
By Stacey E. Halford, MSW, LMSW - July 14, 2020
Recruiter/candidate miscommunication is usually due to shifts in priorities, inattention to detail, or adding a third person into the lines of communication. Most of the time miscommunication is not intentionally hurtful or rude. Use the right communication tools at the right time. Your method of communication should help – not hinder – the context and intent of your message...