Advanced Practitioner Career Resources Blog
View all posts8 Signs You Should Avoid That Potential Employer
By Benjamin "Caleb" Williams RN, BA, CEN - September 1, 2021
While financial incentives are a big motivator for jobs, it can be a nightmare working for a bad boss. Therefore, it is important to recognize red flags in the interview process and beyond when vetting a new employer. Here are 8 tips that you might want to pass over on that prospective job offer.
Reduce Workplace Stress and Thrive
By Patricia Bratianu RN PhD RH-AHG - August 25, 2021
It is common knowledge that stress decreases worker productivity and impairs employee happiness, but the long-term effects are much worse. This is why it is important to take charge of your relationship with work and manage it in a healthy way to prosper in both personal and professional life. Here are a few tips on workplace stress reduction.
The Fastest Growing Health Care Occupations in 2021 and Beyond
By Patricia Bratianu RN PhD RH-AHG - July 29, 2021
Demand for healthcare professionals isn't going down any time soon. The Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS) projects that healthcare occupations will rise by 15% in the next 10 years. But what professions are growing the fastest? Here's a list of the fastest growing health care opportunities for 2021 and beyond.
Interview Tips for New Healthcare Providers
By Faith A. Coleman, MD - June 23, 2021
In this article Dr. Faith Coleman provides some excellent tips about securing an interview, and the interview process, for doctors, nurses, and anyone who is coming out of training and seeking their first new job in healthcare.
A Different Script - Preparing for Legal Issues in Life and Medicine
By Mitchel Schwindt, MD - June 17, 2021
Dr. Mitchel Swindt offers his experience-based opinion on preparing for legal eventualities in your professional and personal life with the assistance of expert counsel.
Physician Assistant Career Advancement Through Higher Education and Certification
By Russell Singleton, PA - June 8, 2021
You're in a rut as a physician assistant, longing for more career fulfillment. The thought of going back to medical school and throwing away your years of experience in the trenches as a PA is daunting, however. What other options are available for those aspiring advanced practitioners to further their education?
How to Handle a Poor Performance Review
By Tammy McKinney, RN - June 1, 2021
Performance reviews can be anxiety-inducing, but what about in the catastrophic worst-case-scenario? After testing, you receive a horrible grade of your performance that leaves something to be desired. How do you best recover gracefully from such a blow?
Nutritional Tips for Busy Nurses
By MaryAnn DePietro - May 20, 2021
Nurses work in an environment that's stressful and almost always busy, so eating healthy can be difficult to balance on top of all the other responsibilities. However, a nutritious diet is an important aspect of life that many neglect. So how can one best implement healthy eating practices into such an involved profession?
Limitations and Pitfalls of Telemedicine
By Mitchel Schwindt, MD - May 4, 2021
The landscape of telemedicine is vast. New companies sprout often, and the structure varies widely. The following comments are based on the author's decade of providing startup advice to new companies and delivering consults on various telemedicine platforms for companies spread across the country.
Alternative Health Care Careers for Those Who Need a Break from Patient Care
By Tammy McKinney, RN - April 29, 2021
For those who need a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday patient care, there are many alternative career options open to healthcare workers. From insurance specialists to authors, there are many viable options available to those with a medical background.