Non-clinical Healthcare Professional Career Resources Blog
View all postsHealth Hazards of Working Nights
By Patricia Bratianu RN PhD RH-AHG - June 22, 2022
It is no surprise that working nights is challenging. However, there are more health hazards associated with night shift than you might be aware of. Let's explore common health risks that night shift workers face.
How to Prepare for Virtual Job Interviews
By Patricia Bratianu RN PhD RH-AHG - April 14, 2022
With remote work and telemedicine becoming more familiar in healthcare, many organizations have transitioned into virtual hiring processes. Here we'll look at common types of remote assessments, typical questions, and how to prepare for virtual interviews.
Making a Great First Interview Impression
By Riia O'Donnell - February 15, 2022
Your resume and qualifications got your foot in the door, now it's time to make an impact on the hiring manager. Here are some tips on how to make a stellar first interview impression.
How Healthcare Employers are Implementing Wellness Principles into the Workplace
By Laura Gilroy, MD - December 8, 2021
Caring for your body and mind is extremely important in medicine. While culturally, there is still not yet a strong emphasis on well-being in the medical community, these concepts are being adopted with increasing priority within some medical systems and hospitals. Here are a few examples of how some employers are implementing these wellness programs for burnout prevention and employee satisfaction.
7 Things You Should Do the First 7 Weeks of Your New Job
By Benjamin "Caleb" Williams RN, BA, CEN - November 10, 2021
You've finally landed your dream job, now you have to keep it. Making a good first impression on your colleagues and employer in the first few weeks will be critical to your long-term success in your position. Here we've collected 7 things you should be doing during the first 7 weeks of your new job.
8 Signs You Should Avoid That Potential Employer
By Benjamin "Caleb" Williams RN, BA, CEN - September 1, 2021
While financial incentives are a big motivator for jobs, it can be a nightmare working for a bad boss. Therefore, it is important to recognize red flags in the interview process and beyond when vetting a new employer. Here are 8 tips that you might want to pass over on that prospective job offer.
Reduce Workplace Stress and Thrive
By Patricia Bratianu RN PhD RH-AHG - August 25, 2021
It is common knowledge that stress decreases worker productivity and impairs employee happiness, but the long-term effects are much worse. This is why it is important to take charge of your relationship with work and manage it in a healthy way to prosper in both personal and professional life. Here are a few tips on workplace stress reduction.
How to Handle a Poor Performance Review
By Tammy McKinney, RN - June 1, 2021
Performance reviews can be anxiety-inducing, but what about in the catastrophic worst-case-scenario? After testing, you receive a horrible grade of your performance that leaves something to be desired. How do you best recover gracefully from such a blow?
Following Up on an Application Without Sounding Desperate
By Benjamin "Caleb" Williams RN, BA, CEN - April 20, 2021
Following up after the submission of a job application is a gray area. On one hand, you don't want to be too immediate to give the sense that you are desperate, but you also shouldn't wait too long and be thought of as apathetic. Within this article are a few helpful tips for toeing this line with deft.
Health Care Human Resources Week
By Riia O'Donnell - March 11, 2021
Healthcare Human Resources Week offers HR professionals an chance to exhibit their resourcefulness and integral services provided to healthcare facilities. This week translates to an opportunity to emphasize how the job they perform supports their entire facility – not just recruitment and compliance functions.