Nursing Career Resources Blog
View all posts3 Strategies for Improving Nursing Engagement
By Anne Carrie - July 18, 2019
Improving nursing engagement can positively impact patient care, patient experience, safety, quality, and outcomes, and there are not many other initiatives can claim a similar ROI.
Practice Interviews: Getting Ready for Success
By Riia O'Donnell - July 11, 2019
Practice interviews are a great way to prepare to meet with a potential employer. When you consider the impression you want to make, do your homework and practice your interview responses; then you’ll be ready to show any recruiter that you’re the right fit for the job and the institution.
Losing Steam as an RN: How to Get out of the Rut
By MaryAnn DePietro - June 18, 2019
You might have become a nurse for several reasons. Maybe you dig science or have a strong desire to help people. Whatever your reasons for becoming an RN, you may be surprised if one day you don’t feel the same enthusiasm for your career.
5 Tips to Choose the Right Healthcare Recruiter
By Miranda Belcher, RN - June 4, 2019
Every single healthcare professional seeking out a travel or permanent position has different needs, skills, credentials, experience, etc. How flexible is your potential recruiter with your needs? Is he willing to listen and do his best to meet all of your requirements for your next travel or permanent job? A good recruiter will flex with you and go out of his way to see that your expectations are met.
The Gender Pay Gap and What You Can Do About It
By Faith A. Coleman, MD - May 23, 2019
Women have made great strides toward equality with men in both their personal and their professional lives. There is, however, a glaring lack of action and change in a critical area – pay. Using data from 2017, the federal government reports that the median annual pay of women who work full time is 20 percent less than the median annual pay of men who work full time. That means that for every dollar a man is paid, a woman is paid only 80 cents.
What Registered Nurses Earn in the Fastest Growing States
By Susan Gulliford CPRW - May 14, 2019
Nurses in some states earn strong incomes, but nurses in others have lower earning potential. Compare these factors against cost of living statistics, your own household's financial needs, and your reasons for considering a move. Have a good idea of what incomes await you if you relocate to a fast-growing state.
How to Combat Night Shift Nursing Burnout
By Nathalie Hawse - May 2, 2019
Since many of the risks of shift work are tied to obesity and metabolic syndrome, step up your efforts to prevent them. Exercising regularly, eating well, and keeping a healthy weight will make a difference...
Is Technology Helping or Hurting Your Healthcare Practice?
By Russell Singleton, PA - April 4, 2019
There’s no telling how medical technology will change in the future, but those with stock in the delivery of healthcare can shape its utilization in a way that doesn’t negatively affect patient care. As long as there is value in human relationships and healing touch, technology can facilitate the delivery of care rather than impede it.
Employment Trends in Behavioral Health
By Susan Gulliford CPRW - April 2, 2019
Whether you’re a new or experienced mental health professional, it is important to keep abreast of job market conditions. You can’t evaluate a job offer if you don’t know how it compares to the norms for the area and industry. Understanding the growth prospects in behavioral health is necessary, too...
How to Receive a Fair Salary
By Faith A. Coleman, MD - March 26, 2019
It’s time to look for a new job. That could mean you’ve finally earned your degree and been certified, or you’re relocating, or you just don’t see a way to grow in your current job. There are a lot of unknowns inherent to seeking a new job. Where? Why? When? You can never completely know everything there is to know about a company, no matter how thorough you research a position. Some fields are becoming so crowded that you may not have much choice, and the job chooses you. Whatever the case, compensation must be discussed – no one’s favorite task of coming on board a new company.