Physician Career Resources Blog
View all postsProvider Perspective: Is Rural Practice the Right Fit for Me?
By Stacey E. Halford, MSW, LMSW - March 18, 2020
Rural health care is in the national spotlight, so there’s no better time to separate facts from fiction as health professionals start job searches and careers. Too often new health professionals have limited exposure to rural practice, so let’s set the record straight.
Before you Click “Send” - Social Media Pitfalls for Healthcare Providers
By Faith A. Coleman, MD - March 9, 2020
You’ll never regret cultivating and practicing self-restraint with social media. You’ll enjoy making fewer messes to clean up – and you know things are never quite the same, no matter how hard you scrub.
Talents You Can Exploit - How Health Care Professionals Can Capitalize on Soft Skills
By Mitchel Schwindt, MD - March 6, 2020
Healthcare professionals have a solid core of soft skills that go ignored, unrecognized, or minimized when contemplating a career shift. It's these very skills that can propel open-minded seekers into the spotlight of hiring managers, startup founders, and fellow entrepreneurs.
How to Recognize "Job Spam" from Legitimate Job Offers
By Laura Gilroy, MD - February 28, 2020
Recruiters can be very useful in navigating the job selection and hiring process, especially for newly graduated residents who are unfamiliar with the specificities of this next step. It is important to keep in mind that this is an industry, and to keep informed so as to avoid being taken advantage of along the way.
What Is A “Rock Star” Doctor?
By David Beran, DO - February 24, 2020
Many physicians possess some of these characteristics, but excellent physicians possess them all. Seamlessly integrating them into an excellent patient care experience is what makes you a rock star.
7 Tips for Writing a Great Recommendation Letter
By Susan Gulliford CPRW - February 21, 2020
A member of your team asked you to write a letter of recommendation for her. While it is sad when a valued colleague moves on professionally, you want to showcase her talents in the most effective manner possible. However, you do not want to spend hours writing a recommendation letter for medical school or a new position. There are several steps you can take to quickly write an effective letter of recommendation for someone pursuing a new position or graduate education.
A Few Reasons to Be Excited About Healthcare in 2020
By Mitchel Schwindt, MD - February 17, 2020
The pace of innovation in healthcare would bring a quizzical smile to the forefathers of medicine. By living in the future, brilliant minds are radically altering all aspects of the medical arena in today's world.
Resident/Medical Student Burnout and How to Fight It
By James L West, MD - February 12, 2020
Articles describing physician burnout have dominated the medical reporting landscape recently. The problem is widespread, as many as 44% of physicians met the criteria for burnout in recent studies. The consequences are severe – physicians complete suicide at twice the rate of the general population. While this epidemic is being recognized in attending physicians, the roots of the epidemic have not been fully addressed. Often, by the time that physicians have been worn down to contemplating or attempting suicide, they have been dealing with burnout and depression for much longer. The roots of this current epidemic, and the key to effectively preventing it, lie in the medical training pipeline.
How To Evaluate a Potential Career Change in Medicine
By Mitchel Schwindt, MD - February 5, 2020
Change is hard, but when done for the right reasons, it can be positively transformative.
Get Paid For The Work You Do: Why RVUs Are A Great Way To Go
By Russell Singleton, PA - January 29, 2020
While there are many ways to add value to a practice, healthcare provider value, and thus their compensation, is often tied to billing and collections. How is this relationship determined? Put simply, some receive a percentage of revenues and some are paid by RVUs, but which system makes the most sense? This article will discuss two main ways that clinician production is compensated.