Physician Career Resources Blog
View all postsPhysicians, Don't Let These Excuses Stop Your Salary Negotiations
By Faith A. Coleman, MD - February 7, 2019
Yes! No! Definitely! Definitely not! Maybe. Yes, it’s a definite maybe! Early, late, half-time, never? You first. NEVER you first. When? How? Where? You changed your mind. Paper, email, text, a singing telegram? Get in their face; be demure. NEVER use these words; ALWAYS use these words. Is the market up or down? Wear blue. Wear black. Wear scrubs. Such are the agonies, uncertainties, and the perseveration of negotiating a salary. You shouldn’t have to suffer so much – you did enough of that during your training. I’m providing some excuses you can use to avoid the discomfort of salary negotiation. Try them on before your interview. You’ll find something. If you don’t find a good fit, don’t worry. The universe never runs out of excuses.
How One Doctor Lost $67,500 in Less Than a Minute
By Mitchel Schwindt, MD - January 31, 2019
...I was not fully vested and would have to forfeit over $67,000. Poof...Gone forever. Holy shit. Seriously?!? What a painful lesson. One I never want to repeat, and one I hope you never have to face. If only I would have used a financial advisor at the start, this painful lesson could have been avoided, before plowing blindly ahead into investments I didn't fully understand...
Physician Job Search: 5 Things I Wish I Had Done Differently
By Ore Ogunyemi, MD - January 22, 2019
View your first job as a potential life partner and plan accordingly- you want a sense of contentment when you wake up knowing you will spend more time at this position than with your significant other. Viewing your job in this way, it is easy to understand why you must be clear about your likes, and dislikes as well.
Private Practice 101 – Tips for Building Your Medical Practice
By Ore Ogunyemi, MD - January 15, 2019
You have the knowledge and training to provide the best care to your patients, but do you know how to maintain and grow your medical practice? While medicine is a calling, healthcare is very much a business. Here are a several essential strategies you’ll need to grow your medical practice and keep it off life support.
What Physicians Earn in the Fastest Growing States
By Susan Gulliford CPRW - January 8, 2019
When you’re considering a move, you need to know how earnings in one state compare to the national average... If you’re like most Americans, you want to move to a Sun Belt state with warm weather or a western state with spectacular beauty. Some fast-growing states are huge while others have fewer people than Chicago. Per the Bureau of Labor Statistics, here is what physicians earn in the fastest growing states.
Coffee: Black Medicine
By Faith A. Coleman, MD - December 28, 2018
A story retrieved from the WebMD archives declares, “Doctors and Nurses are Fueled by Coffee.” In 2010, Harris Interactive, a market research agency, orchestrated a survey on coffee consumption. It included more than 3,600 coffee-drinking workers representing 12 professions.1 Nurses achieved the top honor (?). It didn’t take a survey to figure that out. Whether a rare cup - hot and fresh, or cold swill from last night, they drink what they’ve got to get the job done. Physicians ranked second in coffee consumption from among the 12 professions...
Fantasyland Memorial Clinic "Quality Measures"
By Ryan Montoya, M.D. - December 20, 2018
Fantasyland Memorial Clinic - a new medical humor comic presented by
How Physician Choices Can Lead to Burnout
By Mitchel Schwindt, MD - December 18, 2018
An impossible task would be to find a physician who has never wished to rewind time, even if just for a brief moment long enough to make a different decision. Patients are increasingly complicated and decision making cumbersome and pressured by the scarcity of time. As a generality, physicians pride themselves on their decision-making prowess, but this same skill can be clouded by ego and error... Life in the trenches is difficult at best. Medicine continues to advance at an exponential rate, but physician burnout remains constant. Who will step forward with a solution before all the healers are destroyed?
Red Doctors and Blue Doctors. What about the Color Purple?
By Gerard DiLeo, MD - December 14, 2018
Politics is a very strange thing. It changes your friends and your enemies faster than the turnover in a schoolyard playground. It is a flawed system in which the disgruntled are tempted to think that the only people politicians represent are themselves. Like most responsible people, politicians are neither as bad as their detractors say nor as good as they themselves feel they are. A moral compass is usually there, but it is fragile because its needle is easily magnetized toward the politician him or herself. Being a physician requires a crystal-clear moral compass because it’s too hard and too important of a job to do for just money. The labor, whether it’s cost efficient or not, is worth the satisfaction of doing one’s best while helping someone out the most. For doctors, their moral compass points to true North; for politicians, it sometimes points the way the wind is blowing.
9 Networking Tips Every Healthcare Provider Should Know
By Miranda Belcher, RN - December 7, 2018
Providers. Physicians. Physician assistants. Nurse practitioners. Allied health professionals. No matter what type of medical position you’re in, tending to a network of colleagues pays off by attracting opportunities right to your doorstep. Keep reading to learn nine networking tips for healthcare professionals to build and nurture a network full of valuable contacts.