Physician Career Resources Blog
View all postsThe Best Cities in the Midwest for a Career in Healthcare
By Crystal Jones RN - June 7, 2018
If the Midwest is calling you home, or you have always wanted to live in the region famous for acres of farmland, friendly people, and a laid back lifestyle here are the best cities to live in.
A Medical Doctor's First Day
By Gerard DiLeo, MD - June 5, 2018
The ink on your graduation diploma isn’t even dry yet. It is 6:59 AM on July 1, a minute before 7 AM on the day all shiny, new doctors begin working as real doctors for the first time.
I Now Pronounce You Doctor & Doctor - Partnership Practices
By Gerard DiLeo, MD - May 29, 2018
Don’t fool yourself. A medical partnership is indeed a marriage, so some caveats are in order before “marrying” into that partnership.
Top 10 Most Unhealthy Jobs in Healthcare (and the Secret to Surviving)
By Crystal Jones RN - May 10, 2018
These 10 healthcare jobs are considered the unhealthiest jobs in healthcare. But please, don’t give up on working in healthcare! You are a needed and necessary part of a healthy society. I’ll share 5 secrets to surviving these top 10 most unhealthy jobs.
Benefits of Joining a Multi-Specialty Group Practice
By Gerard DiLeo, MD - May 8, 2018
A new construct that takes the “smaller town” motif to the next level is the large multi-specialty group. In this, there is a group of doctors of each specialty practicing under a much larger, shared overhead of a constellation of specialty groups. It has all of the good features of the large single-specialty group in that there is help and assistance within your specialty, decreased costs of practicing (translated, higher net income), and you’re never at the mercy of someone calling in sick—even if it’s you.
5 Tips to Outsmart the AI Recruiting Process
By Crystal Jones RN - April 26, 2018
AI recruiters are designed to pick out the best of the candidates and showcase them to the human recruiter. Set up your application, resume, and online presence to wow the AI recruiter and your human recruiter will be ready to be wowed by you, too.
Pros & Cons of Joining a Large Group Practice
By Gerard DiLeo, MD - April 19, 2018
In the final tally of things, the large group may take away the sovereignty you would enjoy in solo practice, but in return it gives you a better learning experience, associates to save your butt when you get into a jam, and a shared, diluted load of the business chores.
3 Tips on How to Quit Your Job Without Burning Bridges
By Crystal Jones RN - April 12, 2018
The good news is you just got that dream job you have been wishing for! Finally you can quit your current job and move on in your career to a job with better benefits and perks. The bad news is, you still need to quit your old job. This article will help you to leave the old job in the best way possible.
How to Choose Between Physician Practice Models
By Gerard DiLeo, MD - April 10, 2018
In deciding which way you might want to practice medicine, you have to make the best decision based on the information you have in the present, and have the foresight to know that the information will be different later on.
Practical Thoughts On Pursuing A Partnership Track
By Mitchel Schwindt, MD - April 5, 2018
Most of my friends and colleagues speak highly of their time working in a large group and enjoy the perks of partnership. Enhanced income, profit sharing, camaraderie, entrepreneurial activities outside the hospital, and deep ties to the other physicians in the group are definite benefits...